ChinesePod - Advanced
A podcast by ChinesePod
663 Episodes
Advanced | 习马会 Xi-Ma Meeting
Published: 6/28/2024 -
Advanced | 雾霾 A Smog Occupation
Published: 6/26/2024 -
Advanced | SDR 人民幣入籃
Published: 6/24/2024 -
Advanced | 好咸好香赔健康
Published: 6/21/2024 -
Advanced | 中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy
Published: 6/19/2024 -
Advanced | 负能量 Mister Negative
Published: 6/17/2024 -
Advanced | 夕阳产业-Industry in Decline
Published: 6/14/2024 -
Advanced | That NBA Game! 望梅止渴
Published: 6/12/2024 -
Advanced | 相亲 Arranged Blind Dates
Published: 6/10/2024 -
Advanced | 白富美 Pale, Pretty and Rich
Published: 6/7/2024 -
Advanced | 聂隐娘 "The Assassin"
Published: 6/5/2024 -
Advanced | 十一黄金周 Golden Week
Published: 6/3/2024 -
Advanced | 世界田径赛 Track and Field
Published: 5/31/2024 -
Advanced | 中国领导人访美
Published: 5/29/2024 -
Advanced | 剩女 The "Leftover" Women
Published: 5/27/2024 -
Advanced | 鲸鱼不是鱼
Published: 5/24/2024 -
Advanced | 阅兵(下)轴心国
Published: 5/22/2024 -
Advanced | 阅兵 (上)
Published: 5/20/2024 -
Advanced | Teleshopping 生机精华萃取机
Published: 5/17/2024 -
Advanced | 选股策略
Published: 5/15/2024
ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! In this Advanced Level Podcast Feed, lessons are the black-belt of ChinesePod - You can already speak circles around your friends, but are looking for “complete” fluency Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Intermediate Podcast channels. For a more in depth Mandarin Language learning, go to and take us for a spin.