Cleared Hot

A podcast by Andy Stumpf


623 Episodes

  1. Life's Complexities and Modern Masculinity

    Published: 12/15/2023
  2. Generations, Politics, and Santa - with Vaughn Stumpf

    Published: 12/11/2023
  3. Who is More Toxic - Army or Prison?

    Published: 12/8/2023
  4. The Flight Path to Success - with Paul 'Roscoe' White

    Published: 12/4/2023
  5. Welcome to Focal Point - Episode 001

    Published: 12/1/2023
  6. Special Operations Insights - with Jack Murphy & Dave Parke

    Published: 11/27/2023
  7. Thanks - Giving

    Published: 11/24/2023
  8. The Other Side of Psychedelics with Taylor Duckett

    Published: 11/20/2023
  9. The Crossroads of Choice - Navigating Your life and Finding Your Path

    Published: 11/17/2023
  10. A Journey Beyond Borders - with Vincent Vargas

    Published: 11/13/2023
  11. Echoes of Valor - Sebastian Junger on the Bonds of Battle and the Spirit of Veterans Day

    Published: 11/10/2023
  12. Behind the Badge: Federal Crime-Fighting in the IRS - with Scott Daniels

    Published: 11/6/2023
  13. Leap of Faith - Navigating Risks, Military Ambitions, and Life's Callings

    Published: 11/3/2023
  14. Transition and Fostering Resilience - with Chris Gill and Michael Anthony

    Published: 10/30/2023
  15. Bridging The Gap - Prepared vs. Paranoid

    Published: 10/27/2023
  16. Frontline Chronicles - Unveiling the IDF Journey with Richard & Bernardo

    Published: 10/23/2023
  17. Andy Vs. Michael - Round 2

    Published: 10/20/2023
  18. From Cell Bars to CEO - with AG Gregoroff

    Published: 10/16/2023
  19. Facing Darkness: Questions from the Frontlines of Life

    Published: 10/13/2023
  20. Redefining Fitness - with Craig 'Patty' Patterson

    Published: 10/9/2023

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It is safe to say that I have wandered a bit. I served in the military, flew some jets, jumped out of most, climbed mountains (I jumped off of them too), taught fitness, owned a gym, and have spent the last few years speaking to organizations and leaders. It has been a journey, and in all honesty, I have no idea where it is going. I seek the things that make me uncomfortable. I move towards things that scare me. I think you should too