Creatives Get Real

A podcast by Roben-Marie Smith and Sandi Keene


71 Episodes

  1. 031: Motivation and Organization for the Creative Entrepreneur

    Published: 1/16/2020
  2. 030: The New Year and Goal Setting that Works for You

    Published: 1/9/2020
  3. 029: Season One Wrap Up - Highlights, Bloopers and Memories (Season Two Begins January 9)

    Published: 12/5/2019
  4. 028 - Gifting Ideas for Creatives

    Published: 11/21/2019
  5. 027 - The Practice of Morning Pages

    Published: 11/14/2019
  6. 026 - Beginner Tips for Teaching an In Person Workshop

    Published: 11/7/2019
  7. 025 - Five Things You Can Do to Improve Your Instagram Profile

    Published: 10/31/2019
  8. 024: How Creatives Benefit From Participating in Art Challenges

    Published: 10/24/2019
  9. 023 - Using Mind Mapping as a Creative Tool

    Published: 10/17/2019
  10. 022 - How Do I Become an Online Instructor?

    Published: 10/10/2019
  11. 021 - Are you ready to turn your hobby into a business?

    Published: 10/3/2019
  12. 020: Organizing Creative Spaces - Part Two

    Published: 9/26/2019
  13. 019: Organizing Creative Spaces - Part One

    Published: 9/19/2019
  14. 018: Creating in the Midst of Chaos

    Published: 9/5/2019
  15. 017: To Blog or Not to Blog

    Published: 8/29/2019
  16. 016: Let's Talk Coaching

    Published: 8/22/2019
  17. 015: Inspiration From Unusual Places

    Published: 8/15/2019
  18. 014: Folks, STRAP IN!

    Published: 8/8/2019
  19. 013: Listener Questions #1

    Published: 8/1/2019
  20. 012: What Holds You Back?

    Published: 7/25/2019

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Real conversations about the creative life. Join us for mostly weekly episodes about what it’s like to live a creative, handmade, and online art life. We’ll talk frankly about the highs and lows of designing art pieces, product lines, and popular online classes while sharing it with the world. Roben-Marie Smith is a mixed media artist, instructor and creator of Maker’s Tech U membership site teaching tech to artists and hobbyists. Sandi Keene is a watercolor artist, online instructor and collaborative coach to artists and aspiring artists. Together they are friends sharing stories in the art studio.