Crushing the Chaos

A podcast by Blended Family Bliss


31 Episodes

    136 / 2

    Why are stepmoms given such a bad wrap? When the only thing we are guilty of is finding love in what seems like the wrong place with all the chaos that comes with co-parenting, and the struggles of being a second wife (or as we are constantly reminded, not number one). We will chat “Crushing the Chaos” with your host and stepmom coach, ChaVonne Sampson. She is a part of three generations of Blended Family Bliss, a stepkid, bio-mom of one and bonus mom of four stepkids (each who has a different bio-mom). The show is a mix of solo shows and interviews that are real conversations. None of that ”take the high road” mess. If you are in need of stepmom help and just want to love your stepfamily drama free with power and confidence, then let’s get this stepmom solutions party started. Just hit play!