Das Weihnachtsgeheimnis_The Christmas Mystery_Jostein Gaardner...scroll for german version

A podcast by Birgit


38 Episodes

  1. December 14th...long before the child´s forefinger had time to unfold...

    Published: 12/17/2022
  2. December 13th....just as lightning sweeps across the sky, flooding the landscape with light for a second or two....

    Published: 12/17/2022
  3. December 12th....for there is no sense in believing what is right unless it leads to helping people in distress....

    Published: 12/17/2022
  4. December 10th....a few seconds later, what Elisabet had thought was a bird took of and flew down in a spiral toward the pilgrims

    Published: 12/16/2022
  5. December 11th...many people are terribly frightened when they see one of the angels of the lord...

    Published: 12/16/2022
  6. December 9th...they had broken a solemn promise...

    Published: 12/10/2022
  7. December 8th....part of the glory of heaven that was strayed down to earth

    Published: 12/8/2022
  8. December 7th....in heaven we have always considered this a slight exaggeration...

    Published: 12/7/2022
  9. December 6th....a camel can move from place to place as well, a little like the castles on the chessboard....

    Published: 12/7/2022
  10. December 5th....a thousand ages in a thy sight are like and evening gone

    Published: 12/7/2022
  11. December 4th....he barely had time to look astonished....

    Published: 12/4/2022
  12. December 3rd...like running before the wind - or like rushing down an escalator

    Published: 12/4/2022
  13. December 2nd....I know a short cut, and that`s the path we are taking now....

    Published: 12/1/2022
  14. December 1st...perhaps the clock hands had become so tired of going in the same direction year after year that they had suddenly begun to go the opposite way instead...

    Published: 11/30/2022
  15. 23. Dezember 2021...alle schienen etwas zu üben, was sie auswendig können mussten...

    Published: 12/29/2021
  16. 24. Dezember 2021....wo die Sterne durch die Nacht leuchteten wie die Funken eines Feuers in der Ferne

    Published: 12/29/2021
  17. 22. Dezember...er ernährte sich von Heuschrecken und wildem Honig....

    Published: 12/22/2021
  18. 21. Dezember 2021...das der See aussah wie eine blaue Porzellanschüssel mit Goldrand....

    Published: 12/21/2021
  19. 20. Dezember 2021...schien plötzlich etwas vom Himmel zu fallen...

    Published: 12/20/2021
  20. 15. Dezember 2021...fürchte dich nicht, sagte er mir seidenweicher Stimme....

    Published: 12/20/2021

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...der etwas andere Dezember Kalender für etwas mehr Herzklabastern!Das Lieblingsbuch meiner Kinder in der Weihnachtszeit! Da nun alle verstreut leben, hier nun unabhängig von Ort und Zeitzone!Dieses Jahr auch in ENGLISCH ;-)...a very different Dezember calendar for a little more hear warming. The favourite Dezember book of my children. They now life all over the place so this reading now independent of time and place!