Effectively Wild: A FanGraphs Baseball Podcast

A podcast by Ben Lindbergh, Meg Rowley

2297 Episodes

  1. Effectively Wild Episode 2216: (Fish) Food for Thought

    Published: 9/13/2024
  2. Effectively Wild Episode 2215: Boom Boom Goes the Dynamite

    Published: 9/11/2024
  3. Effectively Wild Episode 2214: Don’t Bean Me, Bro

    Published: 9/7/2024
  4. Effectively Wild Episode 2213: (Get) Out of Left Field

    Published: 9/6/2024
  5. Effectively Wild Episode 2212: Baseball in a Country Twice As High As Coors Field

    Published: 9/4/2024
  6. Effectively Wild Episode 2211: Hip Hippo Hooray

    Published: 8/31/2024
  7. Effectively Wild Episode 2210: The Long and Shortstop of It

    Published: 8/30/2024
  8. Effectively Wild Episode 2209: The Catcher Bug Catcher

    Published: 8/29/2024
  9. Effectively Wild Episode 2208: Thank You for Your Servais

    Published: 8/23/2024
  10. Effectively Wild Episode 2207: Between a Rockie and a Hard Place

    Published: 8/22/2024
  11. Effectively Wild Episode 2206: By the Skenes of His Teeth

    Published: 8/21/2024
  12. Effectively Wild Episode 2205: (Don’t) Pick Six

    Published: 8/16/2024
  13. Effectively Wild Episode 2204: Is a Leadoff Walk Worse Than a Hit?

    Published: 8/15/2024
  14. Effectively Wild Episode 2203: Go for the Gold

    Published: 8/14/2024
  15. Effectively Wild Episode 2202: The Hierarchy of Versatility

    Published: 8/10/2024
  16. Effectively Wild Episode 2201: The Jackson Three

    Published: 8/9/2024
  17. Effectively Wild Episode 2200: The Clutchness Correction

    Published: 8/7/2024
  18. Effectively Wild Episode 2199: A World Without Glove

    Published: 8/3/2024
  19. Effectively Wild Episode 2198: Schrödinger’s Catcher

    Published: 8/2/2024
  20. Effectively Wild Episode 2197: How the Trade Deadline Went Down

    Published: 7/31/2024

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Ben Lindbergh (The Ringer), Meg Rowley (FanGraphs), and an array of guests talk about baseball with an analytical bent, covering a mix of timely topics from the serious to the absurd a few times per week.