Engineering Enablement by Abi Noda

A podcast by DX


73 Episodes

  1. Snyk’s journey with developer experience and productivity | Crystal Hirschorn (Snyk)

    Published: 8/4/2022
  2. Supporting 100,000 engineers | Max Pugliese (IBM)

    Published: 7/28/2022
  3. The value of having a PM on a platform team | Jelmer Borst (Picnic Technologies)

    Published: 7/13/2022
  4. Common pitfalls in adopting engineering metrics | Mojtaba Hosseini (Zapier)

    Published: 7/6/2022
  5. Advocating for the voice of the developer | Julio Santana (Workday)

    Published: 6/29/2022
  6. Why founding a DevEx team is like starting a startup | Minh Pham, Titus Stone (Ibotta)

    Published: 6/23/2022
  7. The ultimate guide on Engineering Operations | Ryan Atkins (Asana, Stripe, Dropbox)

    Published: 6/17/2022
  8. Staffing infrastructure teams | Will Larson (Calm, Stripe, Uber)

    Published: 6/8/2022
  9. Supporting autonomous teams | Victoria Morgan-Smith (Financial Times)

    Published: 5/26/2022
  10. What it looks like to hire Engineering Effectiveness too late | Peter Seibel (ex-Twitter)

    Published: 5/12/2022
  11. Tactics for driving service adoption | Varun Achar (Razorpay)

    Published: 5/4/2022
  12. How DoorDash’s developer productivity team prioritizes projects | Marco Chirico (DoorDash)

    Published: 4/20/2022
  13. How GitHub’s developer experience team has evolved | Liz Saling (GitHub)

    Published: 4/13/2022

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This is a weekly podcast focused on developer productivity and the teams and leaders dedicated to improving it. Topics include in-depth interviews with Platform and DevEx teams, as well as the latest research and approaches on measuring developer productivity. The EE podcast is hosted by Abi Noda, the founder and CEO of DX ( and published researcher focused on developing measurement methods to help organizations improve developer experience and productivity.