Fiction Beast Podcast

A podcast by Fiction Beast


65 Episodes

  1. The purpose of humanity

    Published: 1/23/2025
  2. Kafka vs Camus: Who is more absurd?

    Published: 10/2/2024
  3. What led Dostoevsky to write about lonely men?

    Published: 7/26/2024
  4. Are these the best war novels?

    Published: 5/9/2024
  5. How Did the Germans Dominate (and Kill) Philosophy?

    Published: 3/8/2024
  6. Why Dostoesvky Hated Intellectuals

    Published: 2/1/2024
  7. Was Nikolai Gogol Russian or Ukrainian?

    Published: 12/23/2023
  8. Jorge Luis Borges - Mind-blowing Stories

    Published: 9/1/2023
  9. Milan Kundera

    Published: 8/1/2023
  10. Clarice Lispector: The Brazilian Kafka

    Published: 7/22/2023
  11. How to read more productively in 9 steps

    Published: 6/20/2023
  12. 6 Philosophical Answers to Modern Existential Crisis of Meaning

    Published: 4/26/2023
  13. Ayn Rand Philosophy: Life is a heroic journey

    Published: 3/23/2023
  14. Hermann Hesse's Genius Philosophy - Life's meaning is found in nature

    Published: 3/2/2023
  15. carl Jung - psychological reason behind storytelling

    Published: 1/16/2023
  16. Anton Chekhov - the revolutionary storyteller

    Published: 1/1/2023
  17. Soren Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling Summary

    Published: 12/23/2022
  18. Soren Kierkegaard - Either/Or Summary

    Published: 12/16/2022
  19. Soren Kierkegaard - A brief life

    Published: 12/12/2022
  20. 10 Philosophical Lessons from Jean-Paul Sartre

    Published: 12/8/2022

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What makes us human? We tell stories, so great works of literature tell the emotional tale of human existence as we try to make sense of our existence and the world we live in. I consider fiction a distilled form of truth, coming from the depth of our subconscious mind. So this podcast looks at great novels from a philosophical or psycholgoical perspective, and is dedicated to bringing you the best of literature from around the world for you to enjoy. Each week, I will pick a great novel and discuss it in great details. I provide indepth summary and analaysis.