FRDH Podcast with Michael Goldfarb

A podcast by FRDH Podcast with Michael Goldfarb


195 Episodes

  1. FRDH on the BBC: Rush Limbaugh, Voice of America's Calamity

    Published: 2/18/2021
  2. 21st Century Epistemology: How Do We Know What We Know Is True?

    Published: 2/9/2021
  3. Rules For Starting a Civil War

    Published: 2/3/2021
  4. Trump's Capitol Building Riot: Insurrection, Coup d'Etat or Something Else?

    Published: 1/9/2021
  5. Reality vs Twitter in the Year of the Pandemic with Robin Lustig

    Published: 12/22/2020
  6. The Crown, Thatcher & Brexit: No, No, NO!

    Published: 12/8/2020
  7. New York Stories: Leaving Home 1985

    Published: 11/21/2020
  8. Election 2020: A Philadelphia Diary

    Published: 11/11/2020
  9. Election 2020: Scranton Trump Feels the Love One Last Time

    Published: 11/3/2020
  10. Election 2020 in Reading Pa.: PTSD and Organizing, not Mourning

    Published: 11/2/2020
  11. All My Presidents (and one Prime Minister): Clinton and Bush

    Published: 10/21/2020
  12. All My Presidents: Carter and Reagan

    Published: 10/6/2020
  13. QAnon: Who's In Charge, Here?

    Published: 9/20/2020
  14. All My Presidents: Eisenhower and Kennedy

    Published: 9/8/2020
  15. Biden/Harris: the Pandemic Campaign and Postal Voting

    Published: 8/15/2020
  16. 100 Days Til the US Election: What Is The Reality?

    Published: 7/25/2020
  17. A Summer Story: Bastille Day 1970

    Published: 7/14/2020
  18. Mississippi 1995: A Conversation About Race

    Published: 7/3/2020
  19. Post-Pandemic: Making an Economics of Belonging

    Published: 6/28/2020
  20. Look What's Happening Out In The Streets: Now and Then

    Published: 6/7/2020

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Host FRDH podcast. Radio essayist and documentarist for the BBC and NPR. Historian and author of Ahmad's War, Ahmad's Peace and Emancipation.