Hypnosis and relaxation |Sound therapy

A podcast by F7 - Fridays

2862 Episodes

  1. Snorkeling on uninhabited islands, dive into the clear blue water, relax and calm the mind, and return to the present moment

    Published: 4/5/2024
  2. Take a heart-healing nap to achieve deep relaxation of the mind and brain, relieve anxiety and return to the best state of mind

    Published: 4/5/2024
  3. The blue lake water soothes inner anxiety, nourishes the soul, and protects a good sleep

    Published: 4/5/2024
  4. Improve severe insomnia, super powerful cosmic healing, liberate the heart, relieve tension, immerse yourself in the pure land of relaxation and comfort

    Published: 4/5/2024
  5. Relieve stress and have a good sleep. Healing with the natural sounds of the islands. Dream-like luxury pink beach. Leisurely relaxation

    Published: 4/5/2024
  6. Immersive immunity, relaxing to the sound of the stream, repairing DNA damaged cells, rejuvenating with new energy

    Published: 4/5/2024
  7. Inner Knowledge Awakening Recovers the body’s energy

    Published: 4/5/2024
  8. Binaural beats and charcoal fire peak healing effectively relieve fear nerves and face life with ease

    Published: 4/2/2024
  9. Supreme Stress Relief Purifies body and mind, cleans cells in the body, and rejuvenates the body

    Published: 4/2/2024
  10. Deep body relaxation therapy binaural sound therapy relieves muscle tension and pain and relaxes the mind and body

    Published: 4/2/2024
  11. The lakeside dream SPA with a Zen heart makes you feel grateful, peaceful and harmonious

    Published: 4/2/2024
  12. The deep sea of ​​Kagoshima eliminates stress and irritability, instantly detoxifies and relaxes you

    Published: 4/2/2024
  13. Deeply soothes the mind, magical healing, wave healing, melts physical and mental tension, clears thoughts, and calms the mind

    Published: 4/2/2024
  14. The healing frequency of nature releases inner anxiety and depression, relaxes the neck and shoulders, and sleeps peacefully

    Published: 4/2/2024
  15. Self-love sleep, spa treatment, inner magnanimity, calmness and ease, purify the soul, enhance the inner drive of happiness

    Published: 3/30/2024
  16. Improve efficiency, wisdom potential brain waves, clear mind, quick thinking, stimulate creativity

    Published: 3/30/2024
  17. Relax the body and mind, enhance self-confidence and happiness, and provide a good night’s sleep every night

    Published: 3/30/2024
  18. Healing spiritual trauma and no longer living in the dark theater of the heart

    Published: 3/30/2024
  19. Leave the country of traumatized souls and let go of all distractions, filling you with the energy of happiness and gratitude

    Published: 3/30/2024
  20. Quiet the mind, purify overloaded body and mind, relieve fatigue, and improve immunity

    Published: 3/30/2024

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Listening it every day is very helpful to your heal Everyone is welcome to subscribe and forward, and hope that every friend will always be healthy and happy Here is a wonderful dreamland to help sleep and relax. No matter what trouble you have or is unhappy at this moment, it can help you solve it, make you happy. After a hard day. Come here, the perfect auditory effect can open up the five feelings of the human body. Through the relaxation of the auditor's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, limbs, relieve fatigue, relieve pressure and relax, improve the body's air field, and wake up life energy. Support this podcast: https://app.redcircle.com/shows/d7b33347-52c7-4bd3-8371-91d615bef16f/donations