In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt

A podcast by Lemonada Media - Wednesdays

415 Episodes

  1. Big Oil’s 9 Biggest Lies About Climate (with Bill McKibben and Neela Banerjee)

    Published: 3/1/2023
  2. The Man Charged with Getting Us to Net Zero Emissions (with John Podesta)

    Published: 2/27/2023
  3. The War in Ukraine: Year Two (with Liana Fix)

    Published: 2/24/2023
  4. Narcan: A Million Lives Worth Saving

    Published: 2/22/2023
  5. What the End of the COVID Emergency Declaration Means for You (with Dr. Megan Ranney)

    Published: 2/20/2023
  6. Inside the Search for Life Beyond Earth (with NASA’s Laurie Leshin)

    Published: 2/17/2023
  7. A Post-Memphis Pulse Check on Policing (with DeRay Mckesson)

    Published: 2/15/2023
  8. Why All the Squawking Over Bird Flu?

    Published: 2/13/2023
  9. Introducing: Discarded

    Published: 2/11/2023
  10. Boomers v. Millennials (with Philip Bump)

    Published: 2/10/2023
  11. Is There More to DeSantis Than Culture Wars? (with Charlie Sykes)

    Published: 2/8/2023
  12. Andy Talks to ChatGPT, a Congressman, and an Expert about AI

    Published: 2/6/2023
  13. New Discoveries on Long COVID (with Dr. Eric Topol)

    Published: 2/3/2023
  14. What Happens if America Defaults on its Debt? (with Jason Furman)

    Published: 2/1/2023
  15. The Blue State Homelessness Crisis

    Published: 1/30/2023
  16. Results from the World’s Longest Happiness Study

    Published: 1/27/2023
  17. How to Meet Safely Without Masks (with Mike Osterholm)

    Published: 1/25/2023
  18. Turning Down the Heat on Gas Stove Culture Wars

    Published: 1/23/2023
  19. Stop Hitting Kids in the Head (with Chris Nowinski)

    Published: 1/20/2023
  20. How Grant Wahl’s Widow Fights COVID Disinformation (with Dr. Céline Gounder)

    Published: 1/18/2023

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In the Bubble is the go to place to learn more about the most important news events on YOUR mind. We take the time that’s needed to go beyond the headlines with A list guests from Andy's bubble. From Tina Fay to Tony Fauci. From the next vaccine to the next election issue. To an occasional dad joke. It’s Actual Facts from Actual Experts, every Wednesday from Lemonada Media.