Indie Bites

A podcast by James McKinven - Wednesdays


115 Episodes

  1. Making $200k a year teaching Google Sheets - Andrew Kamphey

    Published: 9/21/2023
  2. Bootstrapping Ticket Tailor to £6m ARR, selling and repurchasing the company, losing motivation and more - Jonny White

    Published: 9/4/2023
  3. Carving a new life path with a newsletter about Workspaces - Ryan Gilbert, Workspaces

    Published: 8/3/2023
  4. Taking on bootstrapped - Tim Leland, T.LY

    Published: 7/21/2023
  5. Working towards life-changing outcomes as an indie hacker - Colleen Schnettler, HelloQuery

    Published: 7/4/2023
  6. Gamifying products, shipping quickly and knowing when to quit - Marc Louvion

    Published: 6/14/2023
  7. Is indie hacking having an identity crisis? - Dominic Monn, MentorCruise

    Published: 6/1/2023
  8. How to find and validate your ideas - Bram Kanstein, Startup Stash / No Code MVP

    Published: 5/27/2023
  9. Growing Frontend Mentor to 500k users and $30k MRR - Matt Studdert

    Published: 4/30/2023
  10. Jordan O'Connor on running a $30k MRR SaaS and doing SEO consulting on the side

    Published: 4/19/2023
  11. Growing a $2m p/y indie business - Josh Ho, Referral Rock

    Published: 4/12/2023
  12. Building a 6-figure creator business - Jay Clouse, Creator Science

    Published: 4/5/2023
  13. Building a $15k MRR side project while working at Stripe - Justin Duke, Buttondown

    Published: 4/1/2023
  14. Breaking Convention: The Radical Thinking of Jack McDade and Statamic

    Published: 3/25/2023
  15. From $0 to $10k MRR in 2 years - Elston Baretto, Tiiny Host (Revisited)

    Published: 3/19/2023
  16. Making $12k p/m with Wordpress plugins - Patrick Posner

    Published: 3/15/2023
  17. From $50m VC-backed to $20k MRR notes app - Alex MacCaw, Reflect (prev. Clearbit)

    Published: 3/10/2023
  18. Stair stepping to millions in SaaS revenue - Craig Hewitt, Castos

    Published: 3/8/2023
  19. Daniel Fayle: from commercial banker to making millions in software

    Published: 3/3/2023
  20. How Ahrefs Built A Best-In-Class SEO Strategy - Tim Soulo, Ahrefs

    Published: 3/1/2023

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Short, bite-sized conversations with indie hackers that have started small, profitable and bootstrapped businesses. You'll learn how they come up with ideas, what they do to validate, find those first customers and make a sustainable income. Episodes every Tuesday.