Kelly Corrigan Wonders

A podcast by Kelly Corrigan


591 Episodes

  1. Embracing What Is with Good Morning America's Robin Roberts

    Published: 5/24/2022
  2. Love, Hope and Grief for Julie's Friend Pam

    Published: 5/22/2022
  3. The Graduation Speech I Didn't Give

    Published: 5/20/2022
  4. How Helping Works with Samantha Power

    Published: 5/17/2022
  5. Love, Hope and Grief for Jen's friend Hallie

    Published: 5/15/2022
  6. Mental Health Check on Curiosity and What Kills It, What Encourages It

    Published: 5/13/2022
  7. A conversation about collective memory and shared narrative with Kevin Young

    Published: 5/10/2022
  8. Love, Hope and Grief with Kim's eulogy for her mom "Lovely Lin"

    Published: 5/8/2022
  9. Mental Health Check for Mothers Fighting The Good Fights

    Published: 5/6/2022
  10. Intentional, Self Awareness Parenting with Dr. Ariel Trost

    Published: 5/3/2022
  11. Love, Hope and Grief for Kelly B's Badass Mom

    Published: 5/1/2022
  12. Mental Health Check on Marriage and Unexpected Kindnesses

    Published: 4/29/2022
  13. Judd Apatow on Women, Collaboration and How Funny Works

    Published: 4/26/2022
  14. Love, Hope and Grief for Stacey's Dad Frank

    Published: 4/24/2022
  15. Mental Health Check on Original Thinkers and Dropouts

    Published: 4/22/2022
  16. Father Greg Boyle on Character, Change and Kindness Dosing

    Published: 4/19/2022
  17. Love, Hope and Grief for Jody's Dad

    Published: 4/17/2022
  18. Mental Health Check on What Friendship Really Takes

    Published: 4/15/2022
  19. The Unassailable Case for Being Other-Focused

    Published: 4/12/2022
  20. Love, Hope and Grief with The McNultys for their dad John

    Published: 4/10/2022

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Welcome to Kelly Corrigan Wonders, a place for people who like to laugh while they think and find it useful to look closely at ourselves and our weird ways in the hopes that knowing more and feeling more will help us do more and be better. Author of 4 New York Times bestsellers about family life, Kelly wonders about loads of stuff: is knowing more always good? Can we trust our gut? How does change actually happen? We only book nice people who have a sense of humor and know things worth knowing. Each episode ends with Kelly’s shortlist of takeaways, appropriate for refrigerator doors, bulletin boards and notes to your children.