KindSight 101

A podcast by Morgane Michael: Small Act Big Impact


241 Episodes

  1. Gratitude Reflection (with Morgane Michael)

    Published: 7/3/2021
  2. Longterm Happiness Depends on This (With Gail Markin)

    Published: 6/26/2021
  3. How to Be Happy Everyday (With Jacqueline Way)

    Published: 6/19/2021
  4. How to Overcome Shame (With Morgane Michael)

    Published: 6/12/2021
  5. How to Build Lasting Connections (With David Knapp-Fisher)

    Published: 6/5/2021
  6. When You Crash, How to Rise (With Janelle Morrison)

    Published: 5/29/2021
  7. Reflections on Gratitude and Generous Assumptions (With Morgane Michael)

    Published: 5/22/2021
  8. Your Brain and Kindness (with Dr.Shimi Kang)

    Published: 5/15/2021
  9. The One Gift You Can Give Yourself (With Morgane Michael)

    Published: 5/8/2021
  10. Say Something (With Peter H. Reynolds)

    Published: 5/1/2021
  11. Child Honouring (With Raffi)

    Published: 4/24/2021
  12. The Power of Visuals (With Kristin Weins)

    Published: 4/17/2021
  13. Leading with Excellence (With Jimmy Casas)

    Published: 4/10/2021
  14. The Key to Courage (With Amy Perkins)

    Published: 4/3/2021
  15. Teach Like a Pirate (With Dave Burgess)

    Published: 3/27/2021
  16. Confidence Creation (With Heather Monahan)

    Published: 3/20/2021
  17. Supporting Our Vulnerable Learners (With Dr. Ross Greene)

    Published: 3/13/2021
  18. Making Magical Connections (With Brian Miller)

    Published: 3/6/2021
  19. Three Secrets to Gaining Trust (With Darryl Stickel)

    Published: 2/27/2021
  20. Life Vest Inside (With Orly Wahba)

    Published: 2/20/2021

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This is KindSight 101, the podcast where you’ll hear from world renowned educational leaders about the mobilizing power of kindness. Together, by challenging our assumptions and venturing beyond the status quo in education, we can make a BIG small act at a time.