Learn Chinese with Ju - An immersive Chinese learning experience

A podcast by Julie Chien


60 Episodes

  1. EP38| 愛的語言, Love Languages - Knowing yourself can help you communicate better

    Published: 2/6/2021
  2. EP37| 東京奧運, Tokyo Olympics - Tokyo Olympics Head Thinks Women Talk Too Much (On loaned foreign words, 東京、奧運、酒吧、卡片)

    Published: 2/4/2021
  3. EP36|車子, Car - A story that cheered me up today (God helps those who help themselves-天助自助者)

    Published: 2/3/2021
  4. EP35|跟風, FOMO - FOMO made me download clubhouse

    Published: 2/3/2021
  5. EP36| 酒鬼, Alchoholic - All about drinking

    Published: 1/30/2021
  6. EP35| 雨傘, Umbrella - Taboos (1): Why is opening an umbrella indoors a taboo in Taiwan, Egypt and England?

    Published: 1/30/2021
  7. EP34| 網紅, Influencer - My thoughts on some language learning influencers

    Published: 1/26/2021
  8. EP33| 耳屎, Ear wax - Airpods pro smells like berries?

    Published: 1/25/2021
  9. EP32| 星座, Horoscope - The Barnum effect: What makes people believe in Horoscope?

    Published: 1/24/2021
  10. EP31 | 耳機, Headsets - I met the Apple engineer behind Airpods' sound effect

    Published: 1/21/2021
  11. EP30 | 肚子餓, Hungry, - Why do we get hungry easier in winter?

    Published: 1/13/2021
  12. EP29 | 紅內褲, Red Undies - Can wearing red panties bring good luck?

    Published: 1/12/2021
  13. EP28 | 夜貓子, Night owl - Night owls tend to have higher income?

    Published: 1/11/2021
  14. EP27 | 賴床, Sleep in - Are those who sleep in smarter?

    Published: 1/11/2021
  15. EP26 | 智商税, Stupidity Tax

    Published: 1/11/2021
  16. EP25|豬隊友 - When people call you a 豬隊友, are they trying to call you a pig?

    Published: 1/8/2021
  17. EP 24 | 一月, January - The 2-faced god Janus, and the meaning behind Januray.

    Published: 1/5/2021
  18. EP23 | 跨年, New Year's Eve celebration, 年越し

    Published: 12/29/2020
  19. EP22 | 肯德基炸雞, KFC Fried Chicken - Why do Japanese eat KFC on Christmas?

    Published: 12/29/2020
  20. EP21 | 平安夜, Christmas Eve (Silent Night) - Why do Chinese eat apples on Christmas Eve?

    Published: 12/29/2020

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This podcast seeks to help you speak Chinese through intriguing stories. While you’re listening, don’t forget to “guess” the meanings of the unfamiliar words through the context provided, in order to get the "immersive learning experience." If you’re new to this podcast, please start with the latest episode! These episodes are not arranged on a difficulty level. Feel free to jump into any episode topic that interests you the most! Find Episode Archive here: https://freshjulie.medium.com/