Learn German | Deutsch lernen | ExpertlyGerman Podcast

A podcast by expertlygerman.com - Mondays



201 Episodes

  1. #143 - der Straßenverkehr

    Published: 2/26/2024
  2. #142 - Fachkräftemangel (Shortage of skilled workers)

    Published: 2/19/2024
  3. #141 - Gesunde Ernährung

    Published: 2/12/2024
  4. #140 - die Steuererklärung | let's talk about tax

    Published: 2/5/2024
  5. #139 - Bahnstreik (Vokabeln)

    Published: 2/1/2024
  6. #138 - Fußball Vokabular für Fortgeschrittene

    Published: 1/22/2024
  7. #137 - Bauernproteste | Farmers' protests

    Published: 1/15/2024
  8. #136 - Neujahrsvorsätze | New Year's resolutions

    Published: 1/13/2024
  9. #135 - Jahresrückblick | Reviewing the year

    Published: 1/2/2024
  10. #134 - Winter Wonders: German Winter Vocabulary

    Published: 12/29/2023
  11. #133 - "Weihnachten🎅: festliche Traditionen und eine besinnliche Stimmung

    Published: 12/18/2023
  12. #132 - Possessivpronomen 🙌

    Published: 12/11/2023
  13. #131 - German Airport ✈️ (Vocabulary lesson & Quiz)

    Published: 12/4/2023
  14. #130 - Let's Talk Money! (German Vocabulary and Phrases)

    Published: 11/20/2023
  15. #129 - Zweiteilige Konnektoren B1, B2

    Published: 11/13/2023
  16. #128 - Deutsche Verben mit Präpositionen B2, C1 - mit Übung

    Published: 11/6/2023
  17. #127 - 15 Common German Idioms & Expressions

    Published: 10/30/2023
  18. #126 - 20 Important German Expressions: Business German Vocabulary

    Published: 10/23/2023
  19. #125 - How to use these Business German Verbs (Advanced)

    Published: 10/16/2023
  20. #124 - How to Learn German (a Conversation)

    Published: 10/9/2023

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DE: Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen. EN: Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. Learn German Naturally.

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