Let's Talk Teams

A podcast by Uptick


50 Episodes

  1. What we believe at Uptick

    Published: 3/31/2020
  2. Working remote - pitfalls and opportunities

    Published: 3/20/2020
  3. How often should you have 1:1s?

    Published: 3/10/2020
  4. Learning how to lead your team – sometimes the hard way

    Published: 2/24/2020
  5. Building an effective 1:1 meeting with your team

    Published: 1/30/2020
  6. How to write a self-evaluation that will impress your boss

    Published: 1/7/2020
  7. Start with the long-term in mind

    Published: 1/2/2020
  8. Serving your team by allowing flexibility

    Published: 1/2/2020
  9. How trust and truth build a great team

    Published: 1/2/2020
  10. Clarifying expectations before it's a problem

    Published: 1/2/2020

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We couldn’t find the podcast on building great teams so we made our own to document and share what we're learning along the way. Let’s Talk Teams is a weekly show where we talk about leading, building, and contributing to great teams at work. Some episodes are a peek behind the curtain at the conversations we’re having at Uptick as our teams grow and adapt. Others will be interviews with managers or discussions about a recent blog post.