Living Brave

A podcast by Shoshanna


90 Episodes

  1. EP 90: Secret Habits of 7 Figure Women with Vortex Mastermind Alumni Diana Eskander

    Published: 2/11/2025
  2. EP 89: Quantum Cowgirling and Hacking the Hologram with Autumn Brianne

    Published: 2/5/2025
  3. EP: 88 “How to hold the vision without evidence?" with Shoshanna Raven

    Published: 1/16/2025
  4. EP 87: Grieving, Facing Duality and Continuing to Lead In the Public Eye After Loss with Madison Rose

    Published: 12/31/2024
  5. EP 87: Staying Light & Approaching Love + Business with an Artistic Spirit with Madelyn Moon

    Published: 12/31/2024
  6. EP 86: Fuel Your Success: HG Pregnancies, ‘Wellness’ Myth-Busting, and a Decade of Influencing + Entrepreneurship with our Vortex Mastermind Client + Rockstar Sarah Adler

    Published: 12/16/2024
  7. EP 85: Conscious Millionaires: The Energetics Behind 8 Figure Success with Regan Hillyer

    Published: 11/27/2024
  8. EP 84: How to Enroll Anyone In Your Vision and Offers with Fiance & Expert Marketer Christian Martin

    Published: 9/9/2024
  9. EP 83: Multiple 8 Figure Codes, $35k Burgers in Bed, Trolls, and Becoming RICH AF via the Courageous Self Expression with Amanda Frances

    Published: 8/27/2024
  10. EP 82: The Unconventional Path to Wealth: ‘I’d Rather be Poor and in Love’ with Samantha Daily

    Published: 6/17/2024
  11. EP 81: How to Attract High End Buyers Who Value Your Offers

    Published: 5/30/2024
  12. EP 80: Feminine Business + Unrealistic Results

    Published: 3/13/2024
  13. EP 79: NASTY, OBSCENE, DIRTY MONEY with Shoshanna

    Published: 3/13/2024
  14. EP 78: Fear of Your Own Success and Unpacking Triggers with Christian Martin

    Published: 2/20/2024
  15. EP 77: Seven Figure Breakdowns and Refreshing Truth No One Else Will Tell You with Amber Valdez

    Published: 1/26/2024
  16. EP 76: Get Rich or Die Trying with Christian Martin

    Published: 1/25/2024
  17. EP 74: The Little Known Strategy to Attracting More Clients to Your Business

    Published: 11/24/2023
  18. EP 75: Ego Deaths + Quantum Leaps to Multi 7 Figure Success with Adele Tevlin

    Published: 11/16/2023
  19. EP 73: The Tender Work of Coaching and Holding Space for Others with Elaina Ray

    Published: 10/18/2023
  20. EP 72: The Elegant Femme; Embracing Beauty + Rewriting Your Story with Tara Marino

    Published: 9/19/2023

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Join your host Shoshanna Raven, multi 7 figure business coach and founder of the women's empowerment brand Living Brave, for anything-goes, shame-slaying, taboo-breaking conversations around wealth, influence, leadership, power and feminine lifestyle. Each episode, you'll get clearer on how to create freedom in a relaxed and easeful way, with tools, guidance, and methods designed for your success as the WHOLE woman. You'll you clear out any fear and shame preventing you from going after the life you KNOW you're destined for. After a while with us... you'll realize what's coming for you is far beyond your mind's current capacity to even dream on a vision board. We laugh, we cry, sometimes at the same time - and we keep showing up no matter what. By embracing your joy, leading with bravery, and unleashing your TRUE, unapologetic expression and creative, visionary power, it's impossible not to fly in every area of your life that matters to you. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a rating/review where you listen and share it out on your social platforms! Don't forget to subscribe ;) Thank you for being here!I love you!To the moon 🚀 Let's go deeper, shame slayers  Instagram - @shoshanna_raven Website -