Matmonim: Daf Yomi by Rabbi David Lapin
A podcast by Rabbi David Lapin
941 Episodes
Yevamot 118b Connection in Marriage - טב למיתב תן דו
Published: 7/3/2022 -
Yevamot 117a Reciprocity in Relationship - כמים הפנים לפנים
Published: 7/3/2022 -
Yevamot 116a-b Seeing the World as We Are - טעמה דקטטא משום דאמרה בדדמי
Published: 7/1/2022 -
Yevamot 114b-115a Seeking Evidence and Making Judgements - משום דאמרה בדדמי
Published: 6/30/2022 -
Yevamot 113a Living With Uncertain Guilt - קרבן אשם תלוי
Published: 6/28/2022 -
Yevamot 112a The Limits of Your Own Reality - וכי תיאסר צרה
Published: 6/27/2022 -
Yevamot 111b Resolving Conflicting Realities - שויתה לנפשה חתיכה דאיסורא
Published: 6/26/2022 -
Yevamot 109b Wisdom vs. Scholarship - ולמדתם ועשיתם
Published: 6/24/2022 -
Yevamot 108a Child Psychology - אין לך מיאון גדול מזה
Published: 6/23/2022 -
Yevamot 107a Perceptions and Truth - אין אדם עושה בעילתו בעילת זנות
Published: 6/22/2022 -
Yevamot 106a Suffering and the Subconscious - עד שואמר רוצה אני
Published: 6/21/2022 -
Yevamot 105a Challenging Hashem's Decrees - גזר דין שיש עמו שבועה
Published: 6/20/2022 -
Yevamot 104a Cross Disciplinary Brilliance - חליצה כגמר דין דמיא
Published: 6/19/2022 -
Yevamot 103a-b Human Devolution - כל טובתן של רשעים רעה היא אצל צדיקים
Published: 6/19/2022 -
Yevamot 102b Mindfulness - עד שיתכוונו שניהם כאחד
Published: 6/17/2022 -
Yevamot 101b Balancing Data and Reason - מפיקנא ממונא אפומיה
Published: 6/16/2022 -
Yevamot 100a Ladies First - נותנים לאישה תחילה
Published: 6/15/2022 -
Yevamot 99b Inspired Leadership - אין הקב"ה מביא תקלה על ידן
Published: 6/14/2022 -
Yevamot 98a DNA and Paternity - אין אב למצרי
Published: 6/13/2022 -
Yevamot 97a Connection and Relationship - בנשואין איכא שאר
Published: 6/12/2022
Matmonim means "hidden treasures." In less than 20 minutes each episode highlights, develops and explains one actionable insight from the Daf Yomi Talmud study cycle. People around the world, from uninitiated seeker to seasoned scholar, are finding inspiration, meaning, and relevance in the wisdom that the Matmonim exposes from every page of Talmud. Matmonim will give you skills to deepen your own learning to get greater satisfaction from the effort you are investing. The podcast is given as a live class each morning at the Raanana Kollel in Israel and focuses on the Daf of the day.