Matmonim: Daf Yomi by Rabbi David Lapin
A podcast by Rabbi David Lapin

949 Episodes
Yoma Daf 23a The Energy of Resistance - תלמיד חכם שאינו נוקם
Published: 5/4/2021 -
Yoma 22a The Way One Walks - וגם בדרך כשהסכל הולך
Published: 5/3/2021 -
Yoma 20b Porcrastination - זריזין מקדימים
Published: 5/2/2021 -
Yoma 21b The Shechina - 'ה' דברים שהיו בין מקדש א' למקדש ב
Published: 5/2/2021 -
Yoma 19a - First-Principle Thinking - שכחתי...לא ידעתי
Published: 4/30/2021 -
Yoma 18 - The Dignity of Trust - והן פורשין ובוכין
Published: 4/29/2021 -
Yoma 14b - Inspiration - הטבת הנרות
Published: 4/25/2021 -
Yoma 12a - The Power of a Feeling - ובנימין היה מצטער עליה
Published: 4/23/2021 -
Daf 11a When Halacha conflicts with personal safety - היכא דקביע היזיקא שאני
Published: 4/22/2021 -
Yoma 10a The Limits of our Influence - גזירת מלך היא
Published: 4/21/2021 -
Yoma Daf 9a-b - Halachik Spectrum: Detail to Meaning - בני עלי
Published: 4/20/2021 -
Yoma 8b - Purity and Sanctity-טהרה וקדושה
Published: 4/19/2021 -
Yoma 7b - Unbroken Attention - תמיד על מצחו
Published: 4/18/2021 -
Yoma 5b - Halacha & Current Relevance- מאי דהוה הוה
Published: 4/16/2021 -
Yoma 4b - Information Sharing בל יאמר
Published: 4/15/2021 -
Yoma 3b - How to Be vs. How to Do - פרישת כהן גדול
Published: 4/14/2021 -
Yoma 2a - Probability and Neurosis - אם כן אין לדבר סוף
Published: 4/13/2021 -
Shekalim 22a As best you can - גר בזמן הזה צריך להביא קינו
Published: 4/12/2021 -
Shekalim 21b - Innovation & Authenticity - ושתיים עושים בכל שנה
Published: 4/11/2021 -
Shekalim 19a Analysis Paralysis - רוב וקרוב
Published: 4/9/2021
Matmonim means "hidden treasures." In less than 20 minutes each episode highlights, develops and explains one actionable insight from the Daf Yomi Talmud study cycle. People around the world, from uninitiated seeker to seasoned scholar, are finding inspiration, meaning, and relevance in the wisdom that the Matmonim exposes from every page of Talmud. Matmonim will give you skills to deepen your own learning to get greater satisfaction from the effort you are investing. The podcast is given as a live class each morning at the Raanana Kollel in Israel and focuses on the Daf of the day.