Monero Talk

A podcast by Monero Talk


597 Episodes

  1. Free Roger Ver: Sterlin Lujan on Defending Crypto’s Core Ethos | EPI 334

    Published: 12/14/2024
  2. MoneroTopia Episode 193 - Guest Alaskanon, Price, News & MUCH More!

    Published: 12/7/2024
  3. MoneroTopia Conf debrief and BTC TKVR Privacy Magazine with Vlad Costea! | EPI 333

    Published: 12/7/2024
  4. MoneroTopia24 Conference Debrief! + Price, News & MUCH More! | EPI 192

    Published: 12/1/2024
  5. MoneroTopia Speaker Aarón Díaz! + Price, News & MUCH More! | EPI 191

    Published: 11/10/2024
  6. Jeff Berwick on XMR, Encoding Unstoppable Liberty & Escaping Technocratic State | EPI 332

    Published: 11/7/2024
  7. A Cypherpunk Future w/ MoneroTopia24 speaker Juan Galt | EPI 331

    Published: 11/4/2024
  8. Finishing What Bitcoin started w/ @ray_noones! + Price Report, News & MUCH More! | EPI 190

    Published: 11/3/2024
  9. MoneroPay, Metronero and the Monero ATM w/ Irem Kuyucu & Laurynas Cetyrkinas | EPI 330

    Published: 10/28/2024
  10. Special Guest SquadSwap + Price, News & MUCH More! | EPI 189

    Published: 10/27/2024
  11. Why Tornado Cash Free Speech defense was rejected in Court w/ Tor Ekeland Mike Hassardl | EPI 329

    Published: 10/22/2024
  12. MoneroTopia Speaker Pavol Lupták + Price, News & MUCH More! | EPI 188

    Published: 10/20/2024
  13. LIVE from Mexico City w/ Xenu! + Price Report, News & MUCH More! | EPI 187

    Published: 10/13/2024
  14. Grow Monero w/ us at the MoneroTopia24 Confer! If we use it we win! | EPI 328

    Published: 10/11/2024
  15. CopaMonero SEMIFINALS w/ Alessandro & Anhdres! Monero Price Report, News & MUCH More! | EPI 186

    Published: 10/7/2024
  16. The Future of Decentralization - 1 year on w/ Dr. Kapil of BasicSwap & Particl | EPI 327

    Published: 10/3/2024
  17. Achieving a thriving Monero Circular Economy with Alaskanon | EPI 326

    Published: 9/30/2024
  18. Monero Nodo update w/ Abdullah & Brindel! Monero Price Report, News & MUCH More! | EPI 185

    Published: 9/30/2024
  19. MoneroTopia Hackathon w/ Deverick & Csilla! + Price, News & MUCH More! | EPI 184

    Published: 9/21/2024
  20. Privacy as the Top On-Chain Alpha w/ Rafael LaVerde | EPI 325

    Published: 9/20/2024

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Monero Talk broadcasts weekly conversations on YouTube ( with topical guests to understand what the Monero cryptocurrency is today and what it hopes to become. We strive to give birth to new Monero users by simply reporting on the facts in our search to answer the question--Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency of them all? In staying true to the Monero ethos, we aim to always be skeptical. While we are Monero Talk by name, and Monero devotees at heart, the intention of the show is to ultimately discover and support the one blockchain that is most aligned with the original cypherpunk and crypto-anarchist ideals that cryptocurrency was born from. And the one that is most likely to succeed at becoming true digital cash. So far, we believe Monero is the one. Guests include: The developers and researchers working on the open source core protocol and the cryptography behind it; The people building the projects and infrastructure supporting the protocol; Privacy advocates and people building privacy enhancing technologies; Analysts and investors speculating on Monero's growth; Journalists and pundits weighing in on Monero's place in the crypto-sphere; and Respected (sometimes controversial) contributors and community members. If you enjoyed the show & would like to support us, a donation of any size would be greatly appreciated and would mean so much! Monero (XMR) Donation Address: 88MWhce9wToCCENbRgfZ6X54Dx8HF4bYY79YkYN9nXeqCDmykzXuq48HWe6k9eZDkA4iYpLbTsvpXPnAGCALHTTMLUp8cWi