Morgan Aviation

A podcast by Morgan Aviation

5 Episodes

  1. Buying an Airplane How and Why

    Published: 12/2/2021
  2. Cross Country Planning and $100 Hamburger

    Published: 11/24/2021
  3. Broad Shoulders and Broken Airplanes Ep. #3

    Published: 11/16/2021
  4. Fears in Aviation Episode #2

    Published: 11/9/2021
  5. Morgan Aviation Episode 1

    Published: 11/4/2021

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My name is Jacob Morgan. I am a Husband, Father, Aviator, and lover of all things outdoors. I talk about all things in the aviation world and my personal journey as a pilot. Come along for the ride! FOLLOW ME AT: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: Feel free to reach out at [email protected]