My Best Teacher

A podcast by Tes


24 Episodes

  1. Meera Syal: Mr Cartwright, Spanish, guitar playing and Belgium | #3

    Published: 2/5/2021
  2. Lemn Sissay: Mr Unsworth, poetry, care homes and football | #2

    Published: 1/22/2021
  3. Tim Vine: Mr Moss, school furniture, teacher impressions and one liners | #1

    Published: 1/8/2021
  4. Introducing: The Tes My Best Teacher Podcast | Trailer

    Published: 12/15/2020

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The Tes My Best Teacher podcast chats to celebrities about the teachers that had a lasting impact on their life and what made them so special. We also delve into other school memories, from great trips out to the behaviours that landed them in detention - and much more besides to show that, no matter what you go on to achieve in life, you never forget your school days.