Offshore Wind Insider

A podcast by Business Network for Offshore Wind


38 Episodes

  1. 2021: Review of a Groundbreaking Year in U.S. Offshore Wind (Season 3 Ep 11)

    Published: 1/12/2022
  2. A.I. on the High Seas (Season 3 Ep 10)

    Published: 12/22/2021
  3. From Nantucket Sound to Vineyard Wind: The Evolution of U.S. Offshore Wind (Season 3 Ep 9)

    Published: 12/9/2021
  4. Washington State's Unique Opportunity in Offshore Wind (Season 3 Ep 8)

    Published: 11/23/2021
  5. Submarine Cables: Overcoming Supply Chain Bottlenecks (Season 3 Ep 7)

    Published: 11/4/2021
  6. Labor Unions and the Key to Getting Steel in the Water (Season 3 Ep 6)

    Published: 10/21/2021
  7. The Future of Wind is Floating (Season 3 Ep 5)

    Published: 6/30/2021
  8. California's Offshore Wind Future (Season 3 Ep 4)

    Published: 5/25/2021
  9. BOEM Director Amanda Lefton talks future of OSW (Season 3 Ep 3)

    Published: 3/24/2021
  10. Nse Esema (NYC EDC), Teaera Strum (Strum Contracting), Damian Bednarz (EnBW North America)

    Published: 2/24/2021
  11. Jeff Grybowski (US Wind)

    Published: 1/25/2021
  12. Fara Courtney (Outer Harbor Consulting), Rob Gramlich & Michael Goggin (Grid Strategies LLC)

    Published: 10/26/2020
  13. Tim Sullivan & Brian Sabina, NJEDA

    Published: 10/2/2020
  14. Erik Milito (NOIA), Feng Zhang & Max Cohen (Wood Mackenzie)

    Published: 9/1/2020
  15. Janice Fuller, Lawrence Mott & Peter Shattuck, Anbaric

    Published: 7/22/2020
  16. Mark Mitchell, Dominion Energy

    Published: 6/30/2020
  17. Kent Herzog and Tony Appleton, Burns & McDonnell

    Published: 5/26/2020
  18. Mads Bernitt, Lautec

    Published: 3/12/2020
  19. David Maloney, DNV GL

    Published: 2/24/2020
  20. 2019 in Review

    Published: 1/20/2020

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Offshore Wind Insider is a podcast hosted by the Oceantic Network, formally the Business Network for Offshore Wind, featuring interviews with today's industry and government leaders who are making offshore wind a reality in America.