Old Time Radio Listener
A podcast by Sara Welch

602 Episodes
Bulldog Drummond - Help Wanted
Published: 11/6/2020 -
3rd November, 2020
Published: 11/4/2020 -
Gunsmoke - Indian White
Published: 11/2/2020 -
Avengers - A Deadly Gift
Published: 11/2/2020 -
Beulah - Audition Program
Published: 11/2/2020 -
Good News of (1937 - 1940) - Lionell Barrymore
Published: 11/2/2020 -
Mercury Theater - War of the Worlds
Published: 10/31/2020 -
The Adventures 0f Ozzie and Harriet - Ozzie And The Hypnotist
Published: 10/31/2020 -
Boston Blackie - Dolly Preston Calls For Help
Published: 10/31/2020 -
Gunsmoke - Grass
Published: 10/31/2020 -
Life with Luigi - Luigi Gives Blood
Published: 10/30/2020 -
Lights Out - Poltergeist
Published: 10/30/2020 -
Inner Sanctum Mystery - Image Of Death
Published: 10/30/2020 -
Box 13 - The Great Torino
Published: 10/30/2020 -
Escape - Pollock and Porrah Man
Published: 10/30/2020 -
Crime Classics - Good Evening. My Name is Jack the Ripper
Published: 10/30/2020 -
Dimension X - Hello Tomorrow
Published: 10/29/2020 -
Mercury Theater - Dracula
Published: 10/29/2020 -
Gunsmoke - Gunshot Wound
Published: 10/29/2020 -
Jerry of the Circus Pt 7
Published: 10/29/2020
You don't need to sit around the radio any longer to listen to radio programs. Now a days you can put in ear plugs and listen via your cell phones, or iPods. I just want to share some of my favorite OTR programs that I personally enjoy listening too. You will find comedy, drama, new casts and a host of other programs that our grandparents listened too. ---- Check out the tumblr page. Here you will find longer details of my ideas of programing blocks that I'm going to plan on doing. You will also be able to send me messages. ----