ORGANIZE WITH GRACE | Declutter | Rightsize | Move Forward

A podcast by Grace Rehman | Home Organizer, Declutter Coach, Senior Move Manager


96 Episodes

  1. 34. Conquer the roadblocks, let go of the guilt, and declutter like a boss! (Conversation with Amanda Clark)

    Published: 8/10/2021
  2. 33. What I wanted to be when I grew up- life lessons I've learned through age 44

    Published: 6/23/2021
  3. 32. Time management with purpose and vision while balancing family and career??? Is this even possible???

    Published: 5/25/2021
  4. 31. Plant-based diet and meal prep tips for the curious beginner

    Published: 5/11/2021
  5. 30. Celebrating Mother's Day 2021 the Organize with Grace Way

    Published: 5/8/2021
  6. 29. Organizing your job search with THIS as your ultimate guide to success!- an interview with Author and Career Advisor Sonia Cameron

    Published: 4/26/2021
  7. 28. Taking time for restoration and rallying support after experiencing burnout- an interview with Colia Howell

    Published: 4/12/2021
  8. 27. Spring clean the easy way

    Published: 4/7/2021
  9. 26. After one year of isolating, it's time to STOP...for your mental health's sake! Listen up before you draw conclusions!

    Published: 3/15/2021
  10. 25. Priorities, planning, and more in the midst of daily shenanigans! An interview with Keli Gooch

    Published: 3/8/2021
  11. 24. Has your mind been on overdrive lately? Listen in for an easy way to have some relief!

    Published: 2/11/2021
  12. 23. How to turn your "SHOULD" into a SCHEDULED ACTION so you can have success with any organizing project

    Published: 1/17/2021
  13. 22. WARNING: Do not run out and buy these in least not yet!

    Published: 1/9/2021
  14. QUICK BONUS EPISODE: Encouraging you in 2021

    Published: 1/3/2021
  15. 21. What stories are you telling yourself that keep you stuck? Ready for a change? Listen to this.

    Published: 12/11/2020
  16. 20. What to do when you don't feel like being thankful this Thanksgiving 2020

    Published: 11/23/2020
  17. 19. 4 simple questions to ask yourself when you have an abundance of clothing

    Published: 11/11/2020
  18. 18. One task at a time, one day at a time

    Published: 11/3/2020
  19. 17. Have you lost motivation and focus with getting your home organized? These simple steps can help!

    Published: 10/26/2020
  20. 16. Organize Your Finances Part 2: get your finances in check and in order TODAY with this!

    Published: 10/8/2020

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If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you own, you are not alone. Like myself, many people over the age of 45 face the challenge of what to do with the amount of possessions we have been accumulating. Then thoughts about someday moving into a smaller place, simplifying our lifestyle, or just creating more space and order in our environment dance through our minds. But we end up procrastinating on decisions we know we need to make. Yes, you are not alone! Grace Rehman wants to come alongside you to provide you with bite-sized tips, emotional and mental support, encouragement, and laughter in between the messy middle as you declutter, downsize, and move. Even if you’re not thinking about relocating just yet, these episodes will help you gain momentum to get started with deciding what to keep and what to let go. Decluttering and downsizing (she would rather say ”rightsizing”) can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. As your Home Organizer next door, Grace can help you get started and make the process easier and more enjoyable.