Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD

A podcast by David A Greenwood


251 Episodes

  1. Burnout and ADHD-Part 2

    Published: 5/6/2023
  2. ADHD and burnout-5 areas for recovery and prevention

    Published: 4/29/2023
  3. 5 Things I learned about thriving with adult ADHD from my guests

    Published: 4/15/2023
  4. A Reintroduction to Overcoming Distractions Thriving with Adult ADHD

    Published: 4/8/2023
  5. Why checklists are not enough for adults with ADHD

    Published: 3/29/2023
  6. Easy ways adults with ADHD can practice mindfulness

    Published: 3/25/2023
  7. Why energizing activities help us thrive with adult ADHD

    Published: 3/22/2023
  8. How to remember and achieve goals with adult ADHD

    Published: 3/18/2023
  9. 5 tips for managing large projects when you have adult ADHD

    Published: 3/11/2023
  10. A quick burnout checkup for adults with ADHD

    Published: 3/8/2023
  11. Are you following conventional wisdom with your adult ADHD?

    Published: 3/4/2023
  12. How to get more comfortable engaging with your calendar when you have adult ADHD

    Published: 2/18/2023
  13. Overcoming shame as an adult with ADHD

    Published: 2/11/2023
  14. Are you an adult with ADHD entering a leadership position?

    Published: 2/4/2023
  15. ADHD and Feeling Too Busy

    Published: 2/1/2023
  16. How this creative digital nomad manages ADHD

    Published: 1/28/2023
  17. Imposter syndrome, ADHD and how to move forward with intention

    Published: 1/14/2023
  18. How those with ADHD can make the next day at work much easier

    Published: 1/11/2023
  19. How you can thrive with the right ADHD community

    Published: 1/7/2023
  20. Understanding complex ADHD and treatment options

    Published: 1/4/2023

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Overcoming Distractions is a book written by David A Greenwood on thriving with Adult ADHD. The Podcast is a show dedicated to telling the stories of those who have thrived with ADHD. From small business owners, inventors, entrepreneurs and many more, you will hear how they have used ADHD in their favor and tools to make ADHD work for you. There is no complaining here, just street smart advice on how to crush ADHD. Even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll hear how these entrepreneurs and coaches define success and get action items that you can implement in your life.