PorterFlute Pod
A podcast by Amy Porter

103 Episodes
S1, Ep. 2 - Etudes: 1. Etudes and the Enneagram
Published: 4/22/2020 -
S1, Ep. 1 - Performance Therapy: 1. Musical Fear and the Great Unknown
Published: 4/12/2020 -
Porterflute Pod Trailer
Published: 4/8/2020
Amy Porter has been praised by critics for her exceptional musical talent and passion for scholarship. With a versatile and distinguished career, she hosts special guests, tells stories and inspiring tips learned in her life as a classical musician and entrepreneur. Owner of small businesses, founder of 2 non-profits, designer of her own lifestyle brand, Amy Porter leads people in multiple ways. Teaching as a Professor, mentoring as a Coach and her Anatomy of Sound workshop has led her to create innovative thought in others. Porter Productions brings you Amy Porter in PorterFlute Pod.