React Round Up

A podcast by Charles M Wood


310 Episodes

  1. RRU 030: "React State Museum" with Gant Laborde

    Published: 9/25/2018
  2. RRU 029: Christopher Buecheler: "Getting Ready To Teach? Lessons learned from building an 84-tutorial software course"

    Published: 9/18/2018
  3. RRU 028: “Microstates.js – Composable State Primitive” with Taras Mankovski & Charles Lowell

    Published: 9/11/2018
  4. RRU 027: "Why I Prefer Functional Components" with Josh St. Jacque

    Published: 9/4/2018
  5. RRU 026: Building React Applications in a Monorepo with Luis Vieira

    Published: 8/28/2018
  6. RRU 025: 2 Years of React Native at Artsy with Orta Therox

    Published: 8/21/2018
  7. RRU 024: Webamp with Jordan Eldredge

    Published: 8/14/2018
  8. RRU 023: High-Performance GraphQL on Postgres with Hasura Tanmai Gopal

    Published: 8/7/2018
  9. RRU 022: RxJS and redux-observable with Tracy Lee, Jay Phelps, and Ben Lesh

    Published: 7/31/2018
  10. RRU 021: Building SharePoint Extensions with JavaScript with Vesa Juvonen LIVE at Microsoft Build

    Published: 7/24/2018
  11. RRU 020: How to Get a Job (Especially for New Developers) with Charles Max Wood

    Published: 7/17/2018
  12. RRU 019: Error Tracking and Troubleshooting Workflows with David Cramer LIVE at Microsoft Build

    Published: 7/10/2018
  13. RRU 018: Evolving Patterns in React with Alex Moldovan

    Published: 7/3/2018
  14. RRU 017: Cloud-Hosted DevOps with Ori Zohar and Gopinath Chigakkagari LIVE at Microsoft Build

    Published: 6/26/2018
  15. RRU 016: React, Redux, and JavaScript Architecture with James Sinclair

    Published: 6/19/2018
  16. RRU 015: Visual Studio Code with Rachel MacFarlane and Matt Bierner LIVE at Microsoft Build

    Published: 6/12/2018
  17. RRU 014: Razzle with Jared Palmer

    Published: 6/5/2018
  18. RRU 013: Visual Studio Code and the VS Code Azure Extension with Matt Hernandez and Amanda Silver LIVE at Microsoft Build

    Published: 5/29/2018
  19. RRU 012: The Future of Higher Order Components and Render Props with Paul Gray

    Published: 5/22/2018
  20. RRU 011: Simple React Patterns with Lucas Reis

    Published: 5/16/2018

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