Reconditioned with Lauren Vaknine

A podcast by Lauren Vaknine


147 Episodes

  1. Ep. 102 - KIM ANAMI - Orgasm Your Way to Health & Abundance!

    Published: 1/24/2023
  2. Ep.101 – JAMES WEDMORE - Spirituality is Your Superpower (in Business & Life!)

    Published: 1/17/2023
  3. Ep. 100 – JASMINE HEMSLEY INTERVIEWS LAUREN – 100th Episode Special!

    Published: 1/10/2023
  4. Ep. 99 - RISE *BONUS* - The KEY Thought Process in MANIFESTATION

    Published: 12/13/2022
  5. Ep. 98 – DANI BEINSTEIN – 2023 Astrological Projections

    Published: 12/6/2022
  6. Ep. 97 - MATTIAS DESMET - The Psychology of Totalitarianism & Understanding Mass Formation

    Published: 11/29/2022
  7. Ep. 96 – TAMMY VALICENTI - EMDR For Trauma Recovery Results

    Published: 11/22/2022
  8. Ep. 95 – RISE – Uncover Your Purpose!

    Published: 11/15/2022
  9. Ep. 94 – STEFAN CHMELIK – Effective Management Tools for Stress & Anxiety

    Published: 11/8/2022
  10. Ep. 93– JOEL GREENE – Hacking Excess Body Fat with an Immune-Centric Approach

    Published: 11/1/2022
  11. Ep. 92 – RISE – How to Step Into Your Authenticity

    Published: 10/24/2022
  12. Ep. 91 – EMILY FLETCHER - Meditation, Manifestation & Sexual Alchemy

    Published: 10/18/2022
  13. Ep. 90 – KRISTIN WEITZEL - Biohacking for Women

    Published: 10/10/2022
  14. Ep. 89 – KELLY BROGAN MD - Free Your Mind; The Path to Sovereignty

    Published: 10/3/2022
  15. Ep. 88 – BEN GREENFIELD – How to Optimise Your Health NOW with World’s Top Biohacker

    Published: 9/26/2022
  16. Ep. 87 – RISE – Inner Child Healing; How to Reparent Your Inner Child

    Published: 9/19/2022
  17. Ep. 86 – BRUCE LIPTON – Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life

    Published: 9/12/2022
  18. Ep. 85 - RISE - Understanding Judgement; Why We Judge & Why We Are Affected by Judgement

    Published: 3/28/2022
  19. Ep. 84 - CHARLES EISENSTEIN - The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible

    Published: 3/21/2022
  20. Ep. 83 - RISE - Why We’re Chronically Infertile (& my own fertility journey)

    Published: 3/14/2022

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Reconditioned was created by host Lauren Vaknine, as a hub for all things wellness and self-development, not just a niche collection of topics within that, so that people can integrate the healing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of self, which, as Lauren found in her own journey, really is the only way to achieve complete, whole-person healing. After being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis aged 2, Lauren was wheelchair-bound by 18. After more than a decade immersed in intensive self-study, learning everything there was to learn about the human body and mind, Lauren finally reconditioned herself back to wellness and is now a fully able-bodied business woman, leading holistic life coach, speaker, writer, podcast host and mum of 2, with a passion for helping others achieve the same levels of transformation in their own lives. Tune into Reconditioned to find what you’re seeking in community, support, and answers to all your burning wellbeing questions, from which type of magnesium you need to how to manage an energetic death, healing trauma, conscious parenting, inner child healing, spirituality and beyond! You can join in the conversation & community here