Robinson's Podcast

A podcast by Robinson Erhardt - Sundays


246 Episodes

  1. 66 - Noam Chomsky: History and Philosophy of Linguistics

    Published: 3/23/2023
  2. 65 - Tania Lombrozo: Explanation and Human Psychology

    Published: 3/20/2023
  3. 64 - Sarah Moss: Probabilistic Knowledge

    Published: 3/18/2023
  4. 63 - Thomas Ryckman & Mark Wilson: The State of Analytic Philosophy

    Published: 3/16/2023
  5. 62 - David Papineau: Realism, Antirealism, and The Philosophy of Science

    Published: 3/13/2023
  6. 61 - Keith Frankish: Illusionism and The Philosophy of Mind

    Published: 3/11/2023
  7. 60 - Joel David Hamkins & Graham Priest: The Liar Paradox & The Set-Theoretic Multiverse

    Published: 3/9/2023
  8. 59 - Tamar Schapiro: Inclination, Will, and The Animal Self

    Published: 3/6/2023
  9. 58 - Huw Price: Philosophy of Time, Boltzmann Brains, and Retrocausality

    Published: 3/4/2023
  10. 57 - Richard Kimberly Heck: Reference, Names, and the Philosophy of Language

    Published: 3/2/2023
  11. 56 - Kevin Heng: Exoplanetary Atmospheres and The Philosophy of Astrophysics

    Published: 2/27/2023
  12. 55 - Alison Fernandes: Time Travel and Causation

    Published: 2/25/2023
  13. 54 - Luvell Anderson: Slurs, Hate Speech, and The Philosophy of Humor

    Published: 2/24/2023
  14. 53 - Christina Van Dyke: Medieval Bestiaries & The Philosophy of Food and Eating

    Published: 2/21/2023
  15. 52 - Gabriel Greenberg: Semiotics, Representation, and Cognitive Science & Film

    Published: 2/17/2023
  16. 51 - Scott Shapiro: Hackers, Cybersecurity, and Legal Philosophy

    Published: 2/13/2023
  17. 50 - Jonathan Schaffer: Monism, Grounding, and The Fundamental Level of Reality

    Published: 2/9/2023
  18. 49 - Stephen Darwall: The History of Modern Ethics

    Published: 2/6/2023
  19. 48 - Patricia Churchland: Neurophilosophy, Free Will, & Consciousness

    Published: 2/2/2023
  20. 47: Achille Varzi: Metaphysics, Ontology, & Nominalism

    Published: 1/30/2023

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Robinson Erhardt researches symbolic logic and the foundations of mathematics at Stanford University. Join him in conversations with philosophers, scientists, weightlifters, artists, and everyone in-between.