Robinson's Podcast

A podcast by Robinson Erhardt - Sundays


246 Episodes

  1. 166 - Robert Stickgold: Dreams and the Role of Sleep in Memory and Emotional Processing

    Published: 11/12/2023
  2. 165 - Anubav Vasudevan: The Metaphysics of Charles Sanders Peirce

    Published: 11/10/2023
  3. 164 - Geoffrey West: Complexity Theory and The Scaling Laws of Biology

    Published: 11/8/2023
  4. 163 - Daniel Levitin: Songwriting and the Neuroscience of Music

    Published: 11/5/2023
  5. 162 - Tim Palmer: Chaos Theory, Probabilistic Forecasting, and Climate Change

    Published: 11/3/2023
  6. 161 - James Owen Weatherall: Nothingness and the Physics of the Void

    Published: 11/1/2023
  7. 160 - David Friedman: What is Anarcho-Capitalism?

    Published: 10/29/2023
  8. 159 - Erik Verlinde: Entropic Gravity, Black Holes, and the Holographic Principle

    Published: 10/27/2023
  9. 158 - Sheldon Solomon: Terror Management Theory and the Denial of Death

    Published: 10/25/2023
  10. 157 - David Albert: The Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics

    Published: 10/22/2023
  11. 156 - Fay Dowker: Wormholes, Quantum Gravity, and Causal Set Theory

    Published: 10/20/2023
  12. 155 - Tony Padilla: Mathematical Platonism, Intergalactic Doppelgängers, and Gigantic Numbers

    Published: 10/18/2023
  13. 154 - Richard Wolff: Karl Marx and the Myths of Marxism

    Published: 10/15/2023
  14. 153 - Alan Stern: New Horizons and Mankind’s First Mission to Pluto

    Published: 10/13/2023
  15. 152 - Geraint F. Lewis: Is The Universe Fine-Tuned For Life?

    Published: 10/11/2023
  16. 151 - Michael Levin: Synthetic Life, Collective Intelligence, and Morphogenesis

    Published: 10/8/2023
  17. 150 - John Mather: The Big Bang and the Cosmic Microwave Background

    Published: 10/6/2023
  18. 149 - Jonathan Lear: Free Association and the Fundamental Rule of Psychoanalysis

    Published: 10/4/2023
  19. 148 - Lee Smolin: Presentism, Foundations of Mathematics, and Realism in Quantum Mechanics

    Published: 10/1/2023
  20. 147 - Yascha Mounk: Liberalism, Identity Politics, and the History of Equality

    Published: 9/29/2023

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Robinson Erhardt researches symbolic logic and the foundations of mathematics at Stanford University. Join him in conversations with philosophers, scientists, weightlifters, artists, and everyone in-between.