Say That to Say This

A podcast by Mission: St. Louis


27 Episodes

  1. Ep. 7: Ownership Provides Commonality with Tishaura Jones

    Published: 3/3/2020
  2. Ep 6: The Power of an Encounter with Flint Fowler

    Published: 2/25/2020
  3. Ep. 5: Changing the Narrative with Kevin Lemp

    Published: 2/18/2020
  4. Ep. 4: Optimism Shines Through with Wil Pinkney Jr.

    Published: 2/11/2020
  5. Ep. 3: Right, Wrong & Reality

    Published: 1/7/2020
  6. Ep. 2: The Value, Not Devalue

    Published: 11/4/2019
  7. Ep. 1: Two Brothers and a Cajun

    Published: 10/17/2019

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Ride along as Josh Wilson and Jason Watson explore the complexities and history behind many of today’s deepest issues. Each episode, the guys get deep into the topics most prominent in St. Louis and beyond. With these two behind the microphone, anything can happen.