Serial Killer: A True Crime Podcast

A podcast by Unreported Story Society

8 Episodes

  1. Convicting Gosnell: See The Photos That Put Him Away

    Published: 11/4/2023
  2. Ep. 6 | Putting Gosnell on Trial

    Published: 7/8/2022
  3. Ep. 5 | He Got Away With It For Decades

    Published: 7/5/2022
  4. Ep. 4| What Happened to the Babies?

    Published: 7/1/2022
  5. Ep. 3 | Digging Deeper When No One Else Would

    Published: 6/30/2022
  6. Ep. 2 | Inside the House of Horrors

    Published: 6/27/2022
  7. Ep. 1 | Meet Dr. Kermit Gosnell

    Published: 6/23/2022
  8. TRAILER: Serial Killer: A True Crime Podcast

    Published: 5/23/2022

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Don't miss the most controversial podcast of the year. Serial Killer: A True Crime Podcast is the story of America's most prolific serial killer. Journalist Ann McElhinney reveals how Dr. Kermit Gosnell appeared to be a kindly community doctor but killed with impunity whilst those who were supposed to stop him looked away. Serial Killer: A True Crime Podcast exposes how Gosnell was able to kill for almost 40 years before his crimes were exposed because of a routine drugs investigation and a curious cop determined to seek justice for one of his forgotten victims.