Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast

A podcast by Thomas Miller - Program Your Subconscious Mind / Law of Attraction / LOA / Law of Attraction / Subconscious Mind / Frederick Dodson / Spirituality / Reality Shifting / Parallel Universes / Desired Reality DR


413 Episodes

  1. Podcast 317 - Interview With Fred Dodson - "History Is False" - And Why That Is Important Today

    Published: 12/4/2022
  2. Podcast 316 - An Old Story of Letting Go of the Ego's Grip

    Published: 11/30/2022
  3. Podcast 315 - Maximizing Intuition - Finding Lost Items

    Published: 11/27/2022
  4. Podcast 314 - A Very Unexpected Hypnosis Session & A New Discovery

    Published: 11/17/2022
  5. Podcast 313 - Welcome Back, Michele Blood! Enlightenment and the Power of Music and Manifesting!

    Published: 10/13/2022
  6. Podcast 312 - Fred Dodson Interview - Essays on Reality Creation Volume 7 & A Hurricane Ian Conversation

    Published: 9/30/2022
  7. Podcast 311 - When the Universe Says "NO!"

    Published: 9/25/2022
  8. Podcast 310 - "The Awake Dreamer" - Meet Samantha Fey!

    Published: 9/10/2022
  9. Podcast 309 - Alan Watts: Jesus Was Pointing Us To Oneness with Source

    Published: 9/4/2022
  10. Podcast 308 - #1 Listener Topic: Help Me Find My Intuition So I Can Align With My Highest Path!

    Published: 8/29/2022
  11. Podcast 307 - Trusting the Intuitive Prompts: Another Amazing Story

    Published: 8/28/2022
  12. SMM 306 - Healing Light's Powerful Affect - Healing Cancer and the Planet

    Published: 8/23/2022
  13. Podcast 305 - When You Can't Hear "The Voice"

    Published: 8/17/2022
  14. Podcast 304 - Self - Muscle Testing Techniques by Fred Dodson

    Published: 8/15/2022
  15. Podcast 303 - Dividing Timelines

    Published: 7/29/2022
  16. Podcast 302 - "Someone" is Hearing Music!

    Published: 7/27/2022
  17. Podcast 301 - What is "The Voice?"

    Published: 7/17/2022
  18. Podcast 300 - Meditation to Ground in Uncertain Times

    Published: 7/10/2022
  19. Podcast 299 - "You Can Heal Anyone" - Interview and Meditation With Fred Dodson

    Published: 7/8/2022
  20. Podcast 298 - "The Voice"

    Published: 7/7/2022

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Start at the beginning (episode #1)....this is an audio-Journey of someone who hit life's bottom later in life, re-programmed his fundamental Christian upbringing, and found an entirely new way of living successfully and fulfilled. This is an on-going story, with twists, turns, victories, bumps, and always lessons. It explores the Subconscious Mind's impact on our lives and how it controls outcomes without us having to lift a finger. This is about Energy, Subconscious Programming, the Law of Attraction, Intuition, Parallel Universe Shifting, Reality Shifting, Desired Realities, and new ways of living! The message of this podcast is never too late to make massive changes in your life and start living a new life now! Thomas is also the narrator of over 30 audiobooks for author Fred Dodson and astrologer Steven Forrest. Join Thomas Miller as we "Enjoy the Journey!"Intro music by special commission © 2013-2023.