Super Nuclear Presents
A podcast by Super Nuclear Group

188 Episodes
Published: 4/19/2024 -
TT #8 - Trident - Submissive No, Breedable Yes (Deep Six)
Published: 2/23/2024 -
TT #7 - Got My Body Switched at Claire's (Switched)
Published: 12/18/2023 -
TT #6 - I Hate You, Brain Dad (Nevermore)
Published: 11/26/2023 -
TT #5 - Mumbo? Perhaps. Jumbo? Perhaps Not! (The Sum of His Parts)
Published: 11/4/2023 -
TT #4 - The Local Orb (Forces of Nature)
Published: 10/14/2023 -
TT #3 - Stuck in His Goo (Divide and Conquer)
Published: 9/23/2023 -
TT #2 - Smoking on that Sh*t That Made Star Fire (Sisters)
Published: 9/12/2023 -
TT #1 - Let's Try This Again (Final Exam)
Published: 9/5/2023 -
TAR #30 - He Died As He Lived: Like a Nerd (feat. Jess!)
Published: 4/3/2021 -
TAR #29 - I Was A Twelve Year Old Cop (Bitter Work feat. Quinn and Jess!)
Published: 4/3/2021 -
TAR #28 - Toph Demands to See the Manager (The Chase feat. Bfahome!)
Published: 3/19/2021 -
TAR #27 - Ostrich-Horse With No Name (Zuko Alone feat. Quinn!)
Published: 3/13/2021 -
TAR #26 - TAR #26 - It's Not Just The Rock, It's The Boulder! (The Blind Bandit ft. Dianna!)
Published: 2/19/2021 -
TAR #25 - That Dank Ass Avatar Weed (feat. Jess once more!)
Published: 2/12/2021 -
TAR #24 - Memory, All Alone in the Swamp Gas (feat. Jess!)
Published: 2/4/2021 -
TAR #23 - The Fire Nation Has Taken Twintuddlyington-upon-Newbury-upon-Twyne-upon-Kent (Return to Omashu)
Published: 1/27/2021 -
TAR #22 - I Think That Kid Might Be The Avatar (Redux) (The Cave of Two Lovers - Feat. Sigma!)
Published: 1/20/2021 -
TAR #21 - Large Boulders The Size of Small Boulders (The Avatar State)
Published: 1/14/2021 -
Secret Tunnel #2 - Hooked on the Ceiling (feat. Jess!)
Published: 12/24/2020
Remember the cartoons you loved as a kid? Do you, like us, remember mid-2000s Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network with a mix of fondness and terror – or, if you don’t, do you want to know what the fuss was about? Join Mary, David, and Ben as we revisit the cartoons that shaped us in an episode-by-episode deep dive, as well as the Internet fan culture as it was then and is now. How do these nostalgic shows hold up? What do we think of them now, as not kids but sad adults? How has the zeitgeist and Internet following evolved along with us? We set out to answer these questions and also to be incredibly hilarious and physically attractive. We started in 2017 with Return to the Past: A Code Lyoko Retrospective, which ran from 2017-2019 and makes up the first part of this feed. Second was The Ultimate Reprise, which ran from 2019-2020 and covers Oban: Star Racers. Now we’re on The Avatar Recycle, hot on the heels of Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Netflix debut! Join us wheresoever you like. Watching along is not necessary - but highly encouraged – and we try to keep spoiler free up to the current episode! Follow us on Twitter at @super_nuclear, or send us your feedback at [email protected]!