The Benny Show

A podcast by Benny Johnson

725 Episodes

  1. Castro Jr. Turns Canada into The World's Largest PRISON As Horrified Politicians And Press ABANDON The Tyrant

    Published: 2/15/2022
  2. DURHAM BOMBSHELL: Proof President Trump Was Spied On By Hillary and Obama -- Get Ready, What Happens NEXT Will Be HUGE

    Published: 2/14/2022
  3. LEAKED Recording from Top Canadian Official Shows Freedom Truckers Have Already WON As Give Send Go Gives Trudeau The FREEDOM FINGER

    Published: 2/11/2022
  4. Joe Biden Lights Your Bank Account On FIRE! Inflation BOMBSHELL Blows Up The American Dream As Republicans DEMAND Biden Cognitive Test As Approval Ratings COLLAPSE To Record Lows

    Published: 2/10/2022
  5. We Are WINNING: Canadian Provinces Cave to Honking, Lift Restrictions as Tyrant Trudeau Doubles Down on Mandates, Gets Backstabbed By Own Party

    Published: 2/9/2022
  6. BOMBSHELL: Republican Congressman Caught Capitol Police Red-Handed In DISGUISE SPYING In His Office

    Published: 2/8/2022
  7. Fascist Trudeau Gestapo STEAL FUEL From Freezing Canadian Truckers But Scheme To Steal Their Money BACKFIRES GLORIOUSLY

    Published: 2/7/2022
  8. Based Shaq DUNKS on Vaccine Mandates, RNC Drops The HAMMER On Cheney-Kinzinger And CNN Meltdown

    Published: 2/4/2022
  9. John Durham Investigating Obama (!!!) As Biden is Physically Collapsing At The White House -- Needs Jill's Help To Get Down The Stairs

    Published: 2/3/2022
  10. BREAKING: CNN President Jeff Zucker Resigns In Disgrace, Hillary VS. Trump 2024 It's Happening!

    Published: 2/2/2022
  11. American Truckers Announce Freedom Convoy to Washington DC as Poll Finds 50% Want Biden Impeached

    Published: 2/1/2022
  12. Freedom Truckers Save Western Civilization as Tyrants Flee, Sparking a Worldwide Movement

    Published: 2/1/2022
  13. Biden Announces African TRAVEL BAN Despite RAGING About Trump’s “Racist” Africa Ban

    Published: 11/26/2021
  14. God Will Provide

    Published: 11/25/2021
  15. Waukesha Christmas MASSACRE Death Toll Rises to 6 As Media RUSH To Downplay Attacker's Hatred For White People, Cops, America

    Published: 11/24/2021
  16. Media Narrative COLLAPSES As Cop-Hating Christmas MASS MURDERER Charged With INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE As The Left Moves To DEIFY MORE CRIMINALS

    Published: 11/23/2021
  17. HORROR IN THE HEARTLAND: BLM Supporting, Cop Hating, Black Supremacist Commits MASS MURDER At CHRISTMAS PARADE in Wisconsin

    Published: 11/22/2021
  18. Kyle Rittenhouse FOUND NOT GUILTY, America Still STANDS

    Published: 11/19/2021
  19. Joe Biden Calls EMERGENCY Cabinet Meeting WITHOUT KAMALA As DURHAM KNOCKS At White House Door

    Published: 11/12/2021
  20. BOMBSHELL: Why The Rittenhouse Prosecution May Be TRYING TO LOSE The Trial

    Published: 11/11/2021

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Are you sick of the establishment corporate media manipulating the truth in America? We are. The Benny Show is 100% INDEPENDENT and your source for breaking news and raw commentary. Benny Johnson is an award-winning storyteller who hits back in the culture wars. Benny has spent his entire life working at the center of the bare-knuckles brawl for the future of America and has the scars to prove it. Benny delivers cutting, behind-the-scenes insight into the global conflict for freedom in our time.