The Big Unlock

A podcast by Paddy Padmanabhan


142 Episodes

  1. B.J. Moore: Healthcare must embrace the cloud. That is where all the technology innovations are happening.

    Published: 11/15/2021
  2. Jason Considine: Data is the key to simplifying complex operational processes in digital healthcare

    Published: 11/8/2021
  3. Unity Stoakes: It is time to focus on a collaborative innovation model in healthcare

    Published: 10/18/2021
  4. Amit Phadnis: The healthcare delivery model is changing from hospital being within four walls to getting distributed and virtualized

    Published: 10/11/2021
  5. Darshak Sanghavi, MD: Traditional care relationships cannot be replaced, but virtual care can provide extra support to patients

    Published: 10/4/2021
  6. Amber Fencl: Patient home is the new healthcare hub today

    Published: 9/27/2021
  7. Tony Ambrozie: A lot of digital adoption is driven by demographics

    Published: 9/13/2021
  8. Jacob Sattelmair: Competition in the market is forcing more collaboration between healthcare providers and payers

    Published: 9/7/2021
  9. Dr. Roy Schoenberg: In the future, clinicians will have the choice on the blend between physical, virtual, and automated care that they can prescribe.

    Published: 8/30/2021
  10. Oleg Bestsennyy & Jenny Rost: We’re seeing a lot more proliferation of innovative business models going well beyond just a pure telehealth visit

    Published: 7/26/2021
  11. Matthew Roman: We’re deep in the throes of implementing several foundational technology platforms

    Published: 7/12/2021
  12. Mike Restuccia: The post-COVID normal looks a lot like the pre-COVID normal, plus a plethora of other responsibilities and activities

    Published: 6/28/2021
  13. Dr. David McSwain: Our challenge now is using the data correctly to generate actionable evidence and insights

    Published: 6/14/2021
  14. Ian Shakil: In the future, we will see smart adoption of Google Glass technology in clinical use cases.

    Published: 6/7/2021
  15. Murray Brozinsky: Technology in healthcare needs a purpose-built solution to solve the problems

    Published: 6/1/2021
  16. Sean Duffy: Everyone believes that digital provisioning of care is here to stay.

    Published: 5/24/2021
  17. John Donohue: With innovation, you need to be prepared to recognize that every idea is not a great idea.

    Published: 5/17/2021
  18. Sachin Patel: We must utilize AI to change the way healthcare is delivered and how patients can be more engaged in their care

    Published: 5/10/2021
  19. Grace Kitzmiller & Dr. Michael Snyder: Medical records must become a living record that pulls in data real-time, follows your health, and displays it back to a physician in a useful form.

    Published: 5/3/2021
  20. David Cohen: We are seeing virtual care and telehealth as an important tool in the toolbox for ambulatory care practices

    Published: 4/26/2021

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Stay up to date on current trends in healthcare’s digital transformation with The Big Unlock podcast. Featuring C-suite executives from the healthcare and technology sectors, podcast host Paddy Padmanabhan discusses how they are driving digital health innovation and leveraging emerging healthcare technologies to create improved patient experiences.