The Bookshop Chronicles

A podcast by Brandi Morpurgo


70 Episodes

  1. Chapter 9: Booktruck Reality with Hilary Atleo of Iron Dog Books

    Published: 2/17/2020
  2. Chapter 8: Wellness in Your Body & Your Reading Life with Cari Letourneau

    Published: 2/10/2020
  3. Chapter 7: Self Help Truths

    Published: 2/3/2020
  4. Chapter 6: Fellow Booktruck Chick Kate Keeper

    Published: 1/27/2020
  5. Chapter 5: Books & Movies with Katelin Hamil

    Published: 1/20/2020
  6. Chapter 4: Book Coaching with My Sister, Cari Frame

    Published: 1/13/2020
  7. Chapter 3: Book Talk with Kara Annett & Booktruck Branding

    Published: 1/6/2020
  8. Chapter 2: TBR Titles & More From the Business Bar

    Published: 12/29/2019
  9. Chapter 1: Bookish Myths & Why a Bookshop on Wheels

    Published: 12/24/2019
  10. Prologue

    Published: 12/20/2019

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If you love books, and are even a little curious about what it‘s like to run a Bookshop during a pandemic and be part of a thriving literary community, this is the podcast for you!