The C.O.W.S.

A podcast by barneygumble


2291 Episodes

  1. The C.​​O.​​W.​​S. w/ Racist Suspect Professor Carrie J. Preston: Jean Genet's 'The Blacks: A Clown Show' #MayaAngelou #NiggerToes #RaciallyResctrictedMichigan

    Published: 2/17/2025
  2. The C.​​O.​​W.​​S. Compensatory Call-In 02/​​15/​​25 #EndRacism #MinimizeConflict #DoNotSeekOutBlackPeopleForConflict

    Published: 2/16/2025
  3. The C.​O.​W.​S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 02/​14/​25 #WeepingWhiteWomen

    Published: 2/15/2025
  4. The C.​O.​W.​S. Dr. Maya Angelou's The Heart of a Woman Part 8 (Conclusion) #SobrietyWouldBeBest #StayBlackAndDie #SNL50

    Published: 2/14/2025
  5. The C.​O.​W.​S. w/ Racist Suspect Rachel Grashow, PhD: #CTE, Super Brain Damage & White Supremacy #ExcitingWhites 🏈

    Published: 2/10/2025
  6. The C.​O.​W.​S. Compensatory Call-In 02/​08/​25

    Published: 2/9/2025
  7. The C.​O.​W.​S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 02/​07/​25 #WhitePeopleDontGetFiredTheyGetTransfered

    Published: 2/8/2025
  8. The C.​​O.​​W.​​S. Dr. Maya Angelou's The Heart of a Woman Part 7 #ShowingOff #TheMan #SoundtrackToACoupdÉtat

    Published: 2/7/2025
  9. The C.​O.​W.​S. On The Passing of Neely Fuller Jr. (1929 - 2025) #StillLearning #FollowTheLogic #RWSWJASAP

    Published: 2/6/2025
  10. The C.​O.​W.​S. w/ Justice For Wyandotte: Raping Race Soldier Roger Golubski

    Published: 2/3/2025
  11. The C.​O.​W.​S. Compensatory Call-In 02/​01/​25

    Published: 2/2/2025
  12. The C.​O.​W.​S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 01/​31/​25 #1800BlameDEI🛬

    Published: 2/1/2025
  13. The C.​O.​W.​S. Dr. Maya Angelou's The Heart of a Woman Part 6 #BlackMaleEunuchs #WhitePeopleCannotBeIngorantAboutRacism

    Published: 1/31/2025
  14. The C.​O.​W.​S. w/ Matthew D. Taylor: The Violent Take It By Force (or) The Religion of White Supremacy ✝️ ⛪️

    Published: 1/29/2025
  15. The C.​O.​W.​S. Compensatory Call-In 01/​25/​25 #SpiritOfAshliBabbitt #FreeEnrique

    Published: 1/26/2025
  16. The C.​O.​W.​S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 01/​24/​25 #GoodByeDEI

    Published: 1/25/2025
  17. The C.​O.​W.​S. Dr. Maya Angelou's The Heart of a Woman Part 5 #BuddyTheBlackMaleRapist #Lumumba

    Published: 1/24/2025
  18. The C.​O.​W.​S. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing's Commentary On Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1982) #Compton #WasKarlMarxANigger

    Published: 1/21/2025
  19. The C.​O.​W.​S. Compensatory Call-In 01/​18/​25 #ToLiveAndBreatheInLosAngeles #MLKDay

    Published: 1/19/2025
  20. The C.​O.​W.​S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 01/​17/​25 #MLKDay #WorkingDuringWildfires

    Published: 1/18/2025

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[THE LIVE BROADCAST IS ONLY AVAILABLE @] Engineered for non-white people, Victims of Racism/White Supremacy. This broadcast is dedicated to sharing constructive information on what White Supremacy/Racism is and how it works. We exchange views with White People, Admitted Racists, and non-white people on the global enterprise of White Supremacy/Terrorism. We do not name-call. Email Gus: untiljusticeATgmailDOTcom Listener supported counter-racist radio: INVEST in The C.O.W.S.: