The C.S. Lewis podcast

A podcast by Premier - Mondays


151 Episodes

  1. #50 The Great Divorce

    Published: 4/18/2022
  2. #49 The Screwtape Letters

    Published: 4/11/2022
  3. #48 The Problem of Pain

    Published: 4/4/2022
  4. #47 Pilgrim’s Regress

    Published: 3/28/2022
  5. #46 Season 5 - CS Lewis’ popular Christian books (intro)

    Published: 3/21/2022
  6. #45 Audience Q&A on how to make the case for Jesus

    Published: 3/14/2022
  7. #44 Alister McGrath: Jesus the lunatic? How to make the case for Christ

    Published: 3/7/2022
  8. #43 CS Lewis, The Lord of The Rings, myth and imagination

    Published: 2/28/2022
  9. #42 CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien

    Published: 2/21/2022
  10. #41 CS Lewis on the importance of friendship

    Published: 2/14/2022
  11. #40 CS Lewis, the Inklings and the Eagle and Child pub

    Published: 2/7/2022
  12. #39 CS Lewis, Mark Zuckerberg and technology

    Published: 1/31/2022
  13. #38 CS Lewis, AI and transhumanism

    Published: 1/24/2022
  14. #37 CS Lewis, mental health and the meaning crisis

    Published: 1/17/2022
  15. #36 CS Lewis, Miracles and the meaning crisis

    Published: 1/10/2022
  16. #35 CS Lewis Symposium Pt 3 - Panel Q&A on 21st Century Apologetics

    Published: 12/27/2021
  17. #34 CS Lewis Symposium Pt 2 - Malcolm Guite on Imaginative Fiction

    Published: 12/20/2021
  18. #33 CS Lewis Symposium Pt 1 - Alister McGrath on Rational Argument

    Published: 12/13/2021
  19. #32 Max McLean Pt 2 - CS Lewis on screen

    Published: 12/6/2021
  20. #31 Max McLean Pt 1 - CS Lewis on stage

    Published: 11/29/2021

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A weekly podcast with Professor Alister McGrath exploring C.S. Lewis’ thought, theology and teaching. C.S. Lewis is one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. The 20th Century British writer and lay theologian has profoundly impacted Christians around the world and brought many atheists and agnostics to faith in Jesus. One person whose faith was greatly encouraged by the writings of C.S. Lewis is Professor Alister McGrath. Both men were raised in Northern Ireland, studied at Oxford University and went on to become professors there. They also both came to faith from atheism slightly later in life. Alister has written numerous books on C.S. Lewis, including a seminal biography C.S. Lewis – A Life. Every Monday, Ruth Jackson and Professor Alister McGrath will reflect on C.S. Lewis’ ideas, life and influence as well as trying to answer questions that impact culture today.