The Famous Business
A podcast by Class:PR

63 Episodes
TFB 003: Learn how a tech business used old and new media to connect some of the world’s poorest farmers
Published: 1/9/2017 -
TFB 002: How a health and wellness business used PR to grow and win major VIP clients
Published: 1/2/2017 -
TFB 001: How jewellery business got worldwide TV coverage with a waffle necklace
Published: 12/19/2016
Alistair Clay, from the #1 online PR training school Class:PR, goes long form with some of today’s most exciting entrepreneurs to find out how they made their businesses famous. From tech firms, healthcare businesses and wellbeing gurus to sports startups, food brands, charities and mumpreneurs, each week Alistair gets his guests to reveal the secrets of their PR strategies and tactics.Learn more at