The Gist

A podcast by Peach Fish Productions


2658 Episodes

  1. Must Joe Go?

    Published: 6/28/2024
  2. The Bear, The Draft, The Debate

    Published: 6/27/2024
  3. All The Editor's Mess

    Published: 6/26/2024
  4. Southlake

    Published: 6/25/2024
  5. Joe, Abe Dissimilar

    Published: 6/24/2024
  6. BEST OF THE GIST: Father And Son Edition

    Published: 6/22/2024
  7. Warning: This Discussion Of Warnings Might Cause Googly Eye At Night

    Published: 6/21/2024
  8. Tricking Spotify Into Getting Weird

    Published: 6/20/2024
  9. The Politics Of Holidays

    Published: 6/18/2024
  10. Birds Aren't Real (SHHH ... Don't tell the Crested Warbler)

    Published: 6/17/2024
  11. BEST OF THE GIST: SCOTUS Gone Wild Edition

    Published: 6/15/2024
  12. Strom Thurmond Cost Him An Apartment From The Grave

    Published: 6/14/2024
  13. Gaza And Other Sieges

    Published: 6/13/2024
  14. Flooding the Dumb Zone

    Published: 6/12/2024
  15. Mrs. Alito's Secret Vergogna

    Published: 6/11/2024
  16. We Just Haven't Been Flapping Them Hard Enough

    Published: 6/10/2024
  17. BEST OF THE GIST: D-Day Anniversary Edition

    Published: 6/8/2024
  18. Why We Can't Have Nice Vexillogical Things

    Published: 6/7/2024
  19. October 7 Rape Denialism

    Published: 6/6/2024
  20. Intifada Revolution? Or is that a linguistic delusion?

    Published: 6/5/2024

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For thirty minutes each day, Pesca challenges himself and his audience, in a responsibly provocative style, and gets beyond the rigidity and dogma. The Gist is surprising, reasonable, and willing to critique the left, the right, either party, or any idea.