The Gist

A podcast by Peach Fish Productions


2659 Episodes

  1. Michael Cohen, Forma' Fixa'

    Published: 5/13/2024
  2. BEST OF THE GIST: Pulitzer Edition

    Published: 5/11/2024
  3. A Drug That Kills Drink's Thrills With Andy Mills

    Published: 5/10/2024
  4. One Cop's Questionable Confessions

    Published: 5/9/2024
  5. A Half-Baked Full-Blown Famine Assessment

    Published: 5/8/2024
  6. Lobbyists As Apex Predators

    Published: 5/7/2024
  7. Objectivity And Other Obsolescent Ideals

    Published: 5/6/2024
  8. For Your Consideration: No Small Endeavor

    Published: 5/5/2024
  9. BEST OF THE GIST: Criticizing NPR on NPR Edition

    Published: 5/4/2024
  10. Posturing over Protests and Protesting over Posture

    Published: 5/3/2024
  11. Does $61 Billion For Ukraine Come Too Late?

    Published: 5/2/2024
  12. Cops On A Campus, Chaos On Another

    Published: 5/1/2024
  13. Divulge, Divest, Surely You Chant In Jest

    Published: 4/30/2024
  14. The Dog Days Of American Politics

    Published: 4/29/2024
  15. BEST OF THE GIST: Harvey, Tossed Edition … Gross

    Published: 4/27/2024
  16. Bezos Uber Alles

    Published: 4/26/2024
  17. The Caucasian Perquisite

    Published: 4/25/2024
  18. What's Eating Uncle Bosie?

    Published: 4/24/2024
  19. Immigration: A Story Both Inspiring And Whack

    Published: 4/23/2024
  20. When "Anti-Zionism" Is A Get Out Of "Antisemitism" Free Card

    Published: 4/22/2024

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For thirty minutes each day, Pesca challenges himself and his audience, in a responsibly provocative style, and gets beyond the rigidity and dogma. The Gist is surprising, reasonable, and willing to critique the left, the right, either party, or any idea.