The Highly Sensitive Podcast

A podcast by Lauren LaSalle


45 Episodes

  1. Being a Highly Sensitive Parent (Tips for HSP Parents)

    Published: 6/4/2022
  2. Being Married to a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): A Conversation with My Husband

    Published: 5/21/2022
  3. 5 Boundary Setting Tips for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)

    Published: 5/7/2022
  4. 10 Tools & Strategies for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)

    Published: 4/23/2022
  5. What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

    Published: 4/9/2022

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The Highly Sensitive Podcast is hosted by Lauren LaSalle, highly sensitive person, former therapist, and Boundary & Self-Care Coach for HSPs. This bi-weekly podcast provides information and tips relevant to HSPs as well as interviews with highly sensitive people. The hope for this podcast is to create a feeling of community, be a supportive place for HSPs, and normalize the experiences of highly sensitive people.