The Human Design Podcast

A podcast by Emma Dunwoody


424 Episodes

  1. #123 Tarot Curious with Liz Zamorski?

    Published: 7/20/2021
  2. #122 Are Questions Ruining Your Life?

    Published: 7/15/2021
  3. #121 Fear, Intuition and Being Different with Franziska Iseli

    Published: 7/12/2021
  4. #120 Defending and Protecting Your Energy

    Published: 7/7/2021
  5. #119 How Mercury Retrograde Kicked my Arse

    Published: 6/16/2021
  6. #118 Meaning is Everything

    Published: 6/11/2021
  7. #117 I See Dead People

    Published: 6/7/2021
  8. #116 How to Use Your Profile to Amplify Your Alignment

    Published: 5/31/2021
  9. #115 The Courage to Live in Alignment

    Published: 5/24/2021
  10. #114 Let's Talk About Sex

    Published: 5/16/2021
  11. #113 Breakthroughs and Aha's

    Published: 5/9/2021
  12. #112 Pendulums, CBD and a Busted-up Knee

    Published: 5/4/2021
  13. #111 Signs, Synchronicity and External Clues

    Published: 4/26/2021
  14. #110 Let’s Talk Aura’s with Susanna Merrick

    Published: 4/21/2021
  15. #109 The Key to Responding and not just for Generators types

    Published: 4/17/2021
  16. #108 So Your Mental Health Sucks - How to turn your mental wellbeing around

    Published: 4/13/2021
  17. #107 Healing with Human Design - An Interview with Dave Rowan

    Published: 4/4/2021
  18. #106 Are you out of alignment or out of your comfort zone?

    Published: 3/17/2021
  19. #105 Interview with a Manifestor, Courtney Valiquette

    Published: 3/11/2021
  20. #104 Money and Your Human Design

    Published: 3/3/2021

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The Human Design Podcast is the #1 Global Human Design Podcast hosted by Emma Dunwoody, with a mission to make Human Design SIMPLE. This is where Human Design confusion falls to the wayside, and you can turn the “information” into real integration! In these episodes, Emma is your no-BS, charismatic and hilarious best friend who takes you by the hand through her unique method of Transformational Human Design™, a system of self-knowledge and guidance unlike anything else that exists. Emma uses her expertise and background in behavioural coaching to combine Human Design, the Gene Keys, NLP, intuition and manifestation so you can actually create transformation and change. Her vision is to take Human Design mainstream so it becomes more widely accepted than any other global profiling, behavioral or healing system — she believes it will transform personal development, education, and business forever. Emma wants to inspire everyone to unlock their inner wisdom, take their power back and feel deeply confident in the decisions they make. This will create a population that values themselves and courageously lives their truth, which will deliver us to a new paradigm of peace, joy, and abundance. Find Emma on Instagram @the_human_design_coach and her website at