The Origins Podcast with Lawrence Krauss

A podcast by Lawrence M. Krauss

89 Episodes

  1. Mark Mattson: Building the Brain: Glutamate as Sculpture and Destroyer

    Published: 5/29/2024
  2. Charles Duhigg: The Art and Science of Communication

    Published: 5/15/2024
  3. From Quarks to Galaxies: A tour through the forefront of modern physics with Frank Wilczek

    Published: 4/23/2024
  4. (Audio) Katherine Brodsky: Speaking Out in an Age of Outrage

    Published: 3/31/2024
  5. A Conversation with Irwin Shapiro: Scientist Extraordinaire from the Earth to the Stars, and at 94, still going strong.

    Published: 3/16/2024
  6. A Dialogue with Label-Defying Journalist Jonathan Kay

    Published: 2/16/2024
  7. A dialogue with Brian Keating, at the San Diego Air and Space Museum

    Published: 2/2/2024
  8. Greg Lukianoff: : The Canceling of the American Mind. Free Speech and Academia

    Published: 12/27/2023
  9. Scott Aaronson: From Quantum Computing to AI Safety

    Published: 12/15/2023
  10. Dialogues with Richard Dawkins

    Published: 11/30/2023
  11. Carlo Rovelli: From Dante to White Holes

    Published: 11/3/2023
  12. Robert Sapolsky: The Illusion of Free Will

    Published: 10/18/2023
  13. Peter Singer: From Animal Liberation to Effective Altruism

    Published: 10/7/2023
  14. Hakeem Oluseyi: An unexpected life in Science, and unpopular truths

    Published: 9/20/2023
  15. The Best of the Origins Podcast, Part 1:

    Published: 9/1/2023
  16. Bart Ehrman: Revelations about Revelation...and more

    Published: 7/7/2023
  17. Martin Rees: If Science is to Save Us, Part 2

    Published: 6/9/2023
  18. Douglas Murray: From Poetry to Free Speech

    Published: 5/27/2023
  19. Andrei Linde: Inflation, Multiverses, and all that, from Mr. Eternal Inflation

    Published: 5/14/2023
  20. Boldly going where no podcast has gone before: William Shatner; Wonder, Awe, and Questions, Questions...

    Published: 4/28/2023

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The Origins Podcast features in-depth conversations with some of the most interesting people in the world about the issues that impact all of us in the 21st century. Host, theoretical physicist, lecturer, and author, Lawrence M. Krauss, will be joined by guests from a wide range of fields, including science, the arts, and journalism. The topics discussed on The Origins Podcast reflect the full range of the human experience - exploring science and culture in a way that seeks to entertain, educate, and inspire.