The Quote of the Day Show | Daily Motivational Talks

A podcast by Sean Croxton


2181 Episodes

  1. 1931 | Brian Tracy: “The Biggest Mistake You Can Ever Make is to Ever Think You Work for Anyone Else But Yourself.”

    Published: 5/17/2024
  2. 1930 | Dr. Norman Vincent Peale: “The Happiest Person is He Who Thinks the Happiest, Most Interesting, Finest Thoughts.”

    Published: 5/16/2024
  3. 1929 | Dr. Myles Munroe: “Get a Plan.”

    Published: 5/15/2024
  4. 1928 | Jim Rohn: “Nothing Can Truly Hurt You Unless You Let It.”

    Published: 5/14/2024
  5. 1927 | Lisa Nichols: “Who Are You Willing to Become at the Risk of Being Seen?”

    Published: 5/13/2024
  6. 1926 | Og Mandino: “Never Give Anyone Permission Again to Rain on Your Parade.”

    Published: 5/10/2024
  7. 1925 | Marie Forleo: “We Make a Living by What We Get, We Make a Life by What We Give.”

    Published: 5/9/2024
  8. 1924 | Harv Eker: “Don’t Believe the Thoughts You Think.”

    Published: 5/8/2024
  9. 1923 | Bob Proctor: “Make Sure You Know What You Want, Because You’re Gonna Get It.”

    Published: 5/7/2024
  10. 1922 | Michael Wickett: “There’s Almost Nothing that We Cannot Come Back From.”

    Published: 5/6/2024
  11. 1921 | Rev. Ike: “I am My Own Cause, and I am My Own Effect.”

    Published: 5/3/2024
  12. 1920 | Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: “Most People Are Spending Their Life Looking for Occasions to Be Offended.”

    Published: 5/2/2024
  13. 1919 | Jim Rohn: “The Price is Easy if The Promise is Clear.”

    Published: 5/1/2024
  14. 1918 | Louise Hay: “What Do I Need to Work on Myself?”

    Published: 4/30/2024
  15. 1917 | Les Brown: “What You Hold Back from Life, Life Holds Back from You.”

    Published: 4/29/2024
  16. 1916 | John C. Maxwell: “Add Value to People Everyday.”

    Published: 4/26/2024
  17. 1915 | Simon Sinek: “You Must Write Down Your Goals.”

    Published: 4/25/2024
  18. 1914 | Angela Duckworth: “Talent Counts, but Effort Counts Twice."

    Published: 4/24/2024
  19. 1913 | Dr. Myles Munroe: “Bitterness Dries Up the Bones.”

    Published: 4/23/2024
  20. 1912 | Myron Golden: “The Learning Gap is The Earning Gap.”

    Published: 4/22/2024

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The Quote of The Day Show is your daily dose of inspiration, featuring the best-of-the-best speakers and prosperity teachers. Each episode spotlights an inspiring quote and 5-10 minute motivational audio clip to help you live a life you love. Featured speakers include Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, and more. Hosted by entrepreneur and money mindset expert Sean Croxton. Follow Sean on IG, Twitter, and FB at @seancroxton. Also, subscribe to his interview podcast, The Sean Croxton Sessions, on iTunes.