The Quote of the Day Show | Daily Motivational Talks

A podcast by Sean Croxton


2180 Episodes

  1. 2010 | Robert G. Allen: “You’re a Dollar a Day Away from Financial Freedom."

    Published: 9/12/2024
  2. 2009 | Bob Proctor: “That’s Not Where They Want to Be, But That’s Where They Are.”

    Published: 9/11/2024
  3. 2008 | Dr. Wayne Dyer: “The Ancestor to Every Action is a Thought.”

    Published: 9/10/2024
  4. 2007 | Ed Mylett: “You Can’t Put All the Pieces Together if You Don’t Know What the Picture Looks Like.”

    Published: 9/9/2024
  5. 2006 | Rev. Ike: “Keep Your Damn Mouth Shut.”

    Published: 9/6/2024
  6. 2005 | Dr. Dennis Kimbro: “Readers are Leaders.”

    Published: 9/5/2024
  7. 2004 | Mary Morrissey: “To Desire is to Expect, and To Expect is To Achieve.”

    Published: 9/4/2024
  8. 2003 | Michael E. Gerber: “Any Dummy Can Do This.”

    Published: 9/3/2024
  9. 2002 | Les Brown: “One Idea Can Change Your Life.”

    Published: 9/2/2024
  10. 2001 | Paul McKenna: “If You Hate Rich People, How are You Gonna Become One of Them?”

    Published: 8/30/2024
  11. 2000 | Bob Proctor: “If I Want to Be Free, I Gotta Be Me.”

    Published: 8/29/2024
  12. 1999 | John Bradshaw: “The Hardest Job You Will Ever Do in Your Life is To Be a Parent.”

    Published: 8/28/2024
  13. 1998 | Zig Ziglar: “Take Control of The Day, Instead of Letting the Day Take Control of You.”

    Published: 8/27/2024
  14. 1997 | Lisa Nichols: “It’s in Your Imperfection that You’re Perfect.”

    Published: 8/26/2024
  15. 1996 | Dr. Tom Morris: “Action, Action, Action.”

    Published: 8/23/2024
  16. 1995 | Brian Tracy: “If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me.”

    Published: 8/22/2024
  17. 1994 | Darren Hardy: “Stop Doing It.”

    Published: 8/21/2024
  18. 1993 | John Maxwell: “You Cannot Do Anything Significant On Your Own.”

    Published: 8/20/2024
  19. 1992 | Les Brown: “Holding a Grudge Hurts You."

    Published: 8/19/2024
  20. 1991 | Lee Milteer: “If You’re Searching for That One Person Who Would Change Your Life, Look in the Mirror.”

    Published: 8/16/2024

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The Quote of The Day Show is your daily dose of inspiration, featuring the best-of-the-best speakers and prosperity teachers. Each episode spotlights an inspiring quote and 5-10 minute motivational audio clip to help you live a life you love. Featured speakers include Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, and more. Hosted by entrepreneur and money mindset expert Sean Croxton. Follow Sean on IG, Twitter, and FB at @seancroxton. Also, subscribe to his interview podcast, The Sean Croxton Sessions, on iTunes.