The Single Greatest Choice

A podcast by Katie B - Wednesdays


76 Episodes

  1. S1, Ep 14: no need for prince charming with Alisha Burns

    Published: 6/24/2020
  2. S1, Ep 13: the hardest and greatest choice with Summer

    Published: 6/17/2020
  3. listening & learning

    Published: 6/10/2020
  4. S1, Ep 12: Questioning motherhood with CEO at Steadfast Life, Whitney Roehl

    Published: 6/3/2020
  5. S1, Ep 11: SMBC and creator of the Embie app, Ravid Israel

    Published: 5/27/2020
  6. S1, Ep 10: single motherhood by choice and mindset with Juliet

    Published: 5/20/2020
  7. S1, Ep 9: choosing platonic coparenting with Sarah

    Published: 5/13/2020
  8. S1 Bonus: processing emotions

    Published: 5/10/2020
  9. S1, Ep 8: when solo motherhood is Plan A with Emma

    Published: 5/6/2020
  10. S1, Ep 7: The Wholesome Fertility Method with Michelle Oravitz

    Published: 4/29/2020
  11. S1, Ep 6: finding hope in the midst of heartbreak with Krista

    Published: 4/22/2020
  12. S1, Ep 5: on mentoring and single motherhood by choice with Brenda

    Published: 4/15/2020
  13. S1, Ep 4: ready for motherhood at 30 with Gloria

    Published: 4/8/2020
  14. S1, Ep 3: on choosing single motherhood with Chelsea

    Published: 4/1/2020
  15. S1, Ep 2: my fertility story

    Published: 3/25/2020
  16. S1, Ep 1: welcome to the single greatest choice

    Published: 3/18/2020

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The Single Greatest Choice is a podcast about singleness, fertility, motherhood, and choice. This is a show for women who are grappling with what to do when life doesn't follow the love-marriage-baby carriage trajectory. It's about exploring the options when things don't seem to be turning out as we'd always planned. Most of all, is a place for women give and receive support as they grapple with these big topics - because what we decide to do with these years could be the single greatest choice we'll ever make - and we don't have to make it alone.